In Kyiv, during investigative actions, a 28-year-old man attacked an employee of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and tried to flee the scene. Thanks to the operative actions of the police and the involvement of the fighters of the KORD special unit, the attacker was apprehended.
As reported, employees of the State Bureau of Investigation conducted investigative actions at the place of residence of a 28-year-old man from Kyiv, who is suspected of committing a crime.
"During the conversation, the intruder grabbed a kitchen knife and suddenly attacked the SBI investigator, stabbing him, and fled," the police said.
Subsequently, police officers, with the involvement of KORD special forces, as indicated, detained a man for attempting to kill a DBR employee, and the injured law enforcement officer was hospitalized.
The attacker was informed of suspicion under Art. 348 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - attempted murder of a law enforcement officer, he is in custody.
The sanction of the article provides up to 15 years of imprisonment or life imprisonment.