Attack in Dnipropetrovsk region: A man with a knife injured an employee of the TCC

In Synelnikovo, Dnipropetrovsk Region, today, May 18, an attack occurred on a sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the Territorial Centralized Chancellery (TCC) activities to alert conscripts.

The man, who was armed, carried out the attack, as a result of which the serviceman was stabbed in the arm. The law enforcement authorities quickly arrested the attacker.

The victim was given medical assistance. In connection with this incident, criminal proceedings were initiated for the fact of obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, as well as for attempted murder.

It is noted that the persons who participate in or organize the notification of conscripts in the TCC have a special status, which is regulated by legislation and obliges them to perform official duties during the legal regime of martial law, the Armed Forces emphasized.



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