The birth rate in Ukraine is three times lower than the death rate

Ukraine found itself in the center of a serious demographic crisis, which, according to the OpenDatabot service, is one of the worst in the world. According to the Ministry of Justice, the birth rate in Ukraine is currently three times lower than the death rate, which indicates a critical situation in the field of demography.

This means a complete collapse with the demographic situation - it is the worst in the world, even in Syria during the most intense conflicts this did not happen.

So, in 2024, there will be three deaths for one newborn in Ukraine. This is evidenced by data from the OpenDatabot service, which refers to data from the Ministry of Justice. 87,655 children were born in the first half of 2024 - this is 1.5 times less than before the beginning of the Ukrainian-Russian military conflict, and 9% less than in the same period last year. That is, now Ukraine is experiencing the strongest demographic crisis in its entire history.

And this is true, because, in addition to the low birth rate, in a country at war, where the infrastructure is destroyed, the economy is barely afloat, and the losses at the front are only increasing, people are fleeing abroad en masse. Demographers and economists are already talking about the mass importation of labor migrants from third countries to overcome the demographic apocalypse. Moreover, during the war, the average life expectancy in Ukraine decreased from 66.4 years for men and 76.2 years for women in 2020 to 57.3 and 70.9 in 2023. That is, a man in Ukraine lost an average of more than 9 years of life (in terms of life expectancy of men, Ukraine already competes with the poorest countries in Africa), and a woman - more than 5 years, and men have almost no chance to live to retirement.

As we can see, there are all prerequisites for the fact that the Ukrainian population will never recover.



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