Demographers estimate that by 2050 the population of Ukraine can decrease to 25 million people. War, emigration and demographic crisis are key factors in this process. If current trends persist, by 2100 the number of residents of Ukraine can be reduced to $ 15 million.
About it reports The Washington Post.
According to government sources, the population of Ukraine, including the occupied territories, is about 36 million, which is 5 million less than before the war began. Another 5 million Ukrainians are abroad, and a fifth of the country - also 5 million - is under Russian occupation.
According to the Minister of Justice, the number of deaths is almost three times higher than the number of births. The loss of millions of people who died, emigrated or occupied, left a significant gap in the country's demography.
It affects the economic stability, political situation and the country's ability to restore after the war.
Appeal back demographic recession is crucial and “equivalent to our victory in the war, achieving a fair and stable peace, EU and NATO membership and country recovery and restoration
Today, the population of Ukraine, including the territories occupied by Russia, is, as it is believed, just less than 36 million, officials say that less than about 41 million when the war began. However, these figures are evaluative and can be much lower.
If demographic trends are preserved, it is expected that by the middle of the century the population of Ukraine will be about 25 million people, and by 2100 - only 15 million. In order to increase birth rates and maintain ties with people outside the country, the government has implemented a number of initiatives - from integration centers for those who are abroad to inform them of their employment opportunities for free treatment for infertility for soldiers and their families.
The task is to return these families, to return these children, and to motivate Ukrainians to give birth as many children as possible so that Ukraine can flourish in its peaceful future after our victory
There should be at least three children in every Ukrainian family, ”he added.
According to the director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research, Ella Libanova in Ukraine does not have a gender imbalance, because most of the 4.5 million Ukrainians who went abroad are women - about 66%.