Imitating "The word of a boy": a group of boys in Kyiv prepared crimes inspired by the Russian series

In Kyiv, the police exposed a group of young men who decided to follow the example of the scandalous Russian TV series "The word of a boy. Kpov on the asphalt". The attackers organized an attack on a 16-year-old boy using similar scenarios that were shown in a famous Russian TV series.

The incident broke out already in early December, when a local resident contacted the police with a report about the beating and robbery of his son. Specialists from the juvenile police, operatives and investigators started an investigation and found out that a group of young men planned a series of crimes on the territory of the capital.

Criminals involved in their criminal activities girls who were supposed to make acquaintances on the Internet and invite the owners of expensive gadgets on a date. After that, the group planned to rob their victims. In this case, the boy was beaten, his mobile phone was taken away, which was then handed over to a pawn shop, and the obtained funds were distributed among the criminals.

Yuriy Trembitskyi, the head of the Podil Police Department, said that the two suspects, born in 2006 and 2007, were suspected of committing a robbery with violence, committed by a group of individuals and during martial law. For this, they face up to ten years in prison.

It should be noted that the criminals admitted that their actions were motivated by the Russian TV series "A Boy's Word", which became popular not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine.

The situation emphasizes the importance of discussing the influence of the media on the behavior and formation of the worldview of young people, and also determines the relevance of issues regarding the control of minors' access to content that can negatively affect their moral and ethical attitude to life.



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