The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has deleted the declaration of the newly appointed deputy head of the Department of International Legal Cooperation of the Office of the Prosecutor General Dmitry Petrov from public access.
What is known about the official?
Earlier it was reported that Petrov worked for three years in the Migration Service of Kyiv and the region and could be involved in corruption schemes.
In 2017, the issue of illogical wealth of the prosecutor arose.
According to previous declarations, Petrov:
sold two apartments in Kiev and cherry
sold toyota Prado in 2012
bought three land plots and two unfinished houses near Kiev
purchased Toyota Corolla (2016), a motocadrocycle, a trailer and a hydrocycle.
However, there is a discrepancy in the cost: expenditures on the third land were not entered in the declaration.
Now there are no 30 Petrov declarations in the register. According to journalists, the NAPC has not conducted any full check since 2017.