NAPC found false data in the declaration of the deputy chairman of the Lisichansk City Military Administration

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) conducted a check of the Declaration for 2023 of the Deputy Chairman of the Lysychansk City Military Administration Igor Kostenko and found a number of false information in his reporting totaling more than UAH 1.8 million.

According to NAPC, Kostenko did not declare several land plots, reduced the value of several real estate objects and inaccurately indicated funds in the accounts of his family. The detected violations indicate possible violation of the legislation, in particular, Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for criminal liability for declaring false information.

One of the most significant violations was to defend the land of 2.4 thousand square meters. m, owned by Kostenko. According to him, he sold this site in 2007, but the official did not provide any documents that would confirm the fact. According to experts, the minimum cost of this land is UAH 250.5 thousand.

In addition, the deputy chairman of the city administration did not specify the real value of two more land plots, as well as the lands of the wife, which in the aggregate is more than 200 thousand UAH. He also did not indicate a residential building of 113.5 square meters. m, which belongs to his wife, although according to the official gift contract, its value is estimated at 50 000 UAH.

Another serious violation was the low cost of cars belonging to Kostenko and his family. For example, Renault CAPTUR (2018) is indicated for UAH 670,000, although its real cost is 625 000 UAH. However, the most differences were found in the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 (2012) car, which is 740 000 UAH at Kostenko's declaration, although in fact it costs about UAH 2 million. Kostenko explained the difference that he bought a car from a person who was guilty of $ 33,000, but did not provide supporting documents.

In general, the NAPC found that the deputy chairman of the Lysychansk city military administration disappeared or did not specify in the declaration of assets and property in the amount of more than UAH 1.8 million.



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