The new tax policy as a sentence for the economy of Ukraine - Vyacheslav Cherkashin

Vyacheslav Cherkashin, an expert on tax and customs policy, considers the new policy of revenue mobilization as a dangerous step that can cause serious damage to the economic recovery of Ukraine. In his article, Cherkashin emphasizes that this policy can lead to deeper dependence on foreign aid and further limit the country's domestic economic capabilities.

According to Cherkashin, the new tax policy is already showing its negative side. "Deliberately, an ever-deepening path of dependence on external aid and a painful compression of internal capabilities is being created," the expert writes. He notes that obligations to creditors and the war have become sufficient grounds for a complete refusal to look for alternative solutions.

Cherkashyn criticizes the way the Ukrainian authorities approach revenue mobilization, noting that "instead of finding effective solutions, the focus is on extracting the revenue of economically active Ukrainians and small businesses." He also draws attention to the fact that the lack of any dialogue or explanation regarding the new decisions only increases the feeling of uncertainty among citizens.

"The blatant, deliberate isolation from society and the stunning suddenness of the adopted decisions leave taxpayers alone with their problems," Cherkashin adds. He warns that such policies could lead to the creation of an "economic concentration camp" dominated only by the public sector and the military-industrial complex, with the shadow economy a large part of the economic landscape.

Cherkashyn emphasizes that Ukraine deserves better: "Taxpayers, despite all the difficulties, continue to voluntarily pay taxes and increase these amounts. This is something that needs to be supported and cultivated." He believes that instead of increasing tax pressure and limiting economic freedoms, the authorities should admit mistakes and change the approach to fiscal policy. "The immediate political responsibility of the authors of this fiscal monster can be the first step towards recognition and awareness of the mistakes made," Cherkashin summarizes.



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