New church calendar dates for January 2024

In connection with the transition of the OCU and UGCC to the New Julian calendar, all important religious holidays in January have changed their dates. Yes, Ukrainians now celebrate Christmas at the end of December, and start the year with St. Basil's Day.

Thus, in the first month of the year, the faithful will celebrate Saint Basil's Day or the Circumcision of the Lord (January 1), Epiphany (January 6), and the commemoration of three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John the Chrysostom (30 January).

Church calendar for January 2024: list of holidays according to the new calendar

What church holidays will be in January 2024 - the new calendar will help you remember all the dates:

  • January 1 - Circumcision of the Lord;  St. Basil the Great (formerly January 14) ;
  • January 2 - the pre-holiday of the Epiphany, St. Sylvester, Pope of Rome;
  • January 3 - the holy prophet Malachi and the holy martyr Gordius;
  • January 4 – the Cathedral of the 70 Holy Apostles, Reverend Theoktist Igumen;
  • January 5 – Baptismal Christmas Eve;
  • January 6 – Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany (formerly January 19) ;
  • January 7 – Cathedral of St. John the Baptist;
  • January 8 - St. George;
  • January 9 - the holy martyr Polyeuktus;
  • January 10 - St. Gregory of Nyssa; Saint Markian;
  • January 11 - Saint Theodosius the Great;
  • January 12 - the holy martyr Tatiana  (previously January 25) ;
  • January 13 – Martyrs Yermil and Stratonic of Singidon;
  • January 14 - feast of the Epiphany; the holy Reverend Fathers killed in Sinai; Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina;
  • January 15 - Saints Pavlo Tyveiskyi and Ivan Kushnyk;
  • January 16 - worship of the honest chains of the Apostle Peter;
  • January 17 - St. Anthony the Great;
  • January 18 - Saints Athanasius and Cyril, Saints of Alexandria;
  • January 19 - St. Macarius the Great of Egypt;
  • January 20 - Saint Euthymius the Great;
  • January 21 - Saint Maxim the Confessor;
  • January 22 - Saint Timothy the Apostle;
  • January 23 – holy martyrs Clement and Agafangel;
  • January 24 - Saint Xenia of Rome;
  • January 25 - St. Gregory the Theologian;
  • January 26 - saints Xenophon and Mary;
  • January 27 – transfer of the relics of St. John Chrysostom;
  • January 28 - Saint Ephraim the Syrian;
  • January 29 – transfer of the relics of the holy martyr Ignatius the God-bearer;
  • January 30 – three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, Ivan the Golden-eared (formerly February 12) ;
  • January 31 - holy silverless martyrs Cyrus and John and with them the martyr Athanasius and her daughters Theodotia, Theoktista and Eudoxia.


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