Restrictions on travel abroad for Ukrainians from June 1

Starting from June 1, Ukraine stopped recognizing dual citizenship, which has a significant impact on some Ukrainians. Persons who are citizens of two or more countries (bipatris) between the ages of 18 and 60 may no longer be able to travel abroad. This decision was a consequence of the cancellation of the exclusion of "residence abroad". Under the new rules, starting June 1, Ukrainians with dual citizenship, including U.S.-Ukrainians, between the ages of 18 and 60 can no longer travel outside the country.

The US Embassy in Ukraine confirmed these changes, noting that previously dual nationals were able to enter and leave Ukraine if they deregistered in Ukraine and registered in the US. However, this exception was canceled on June 1, which significantly limited the opportunities for such citizens.

The State Border Service of Ukraine confirmed these changes and emphasized that citizens of Ukraine with passports of other countries are still considered exclusively as citizens of Ukraine. The new rules also affected the ability of conscripted men to travel abroad. Andriy Demchenko, the spokesman of the State Border Service of Ukraine, emphasized that dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine and this rule was in effect before.

The new rules, introduced from June 1, apply only to persons aged 18 to 60 who have dual citizenship, and do not apply to Ukrainians who permanently live abroad and have the appropriate marks in their documents.



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