Oleg Shiryaev is an amazing story of a true patriot of Ukraine

Today, the personality of Oleg Shiryaev, who recently received the award "For Courage" as a participant in the war, came under our attention, but it is important to remember what Oleg was doing before the full-scale invasion and why he went to the front from prison.

Let's start with a simple one - the official biography:

Oleg Viktorovych Shiryaev is one of the founders of the "Eastern Corps" movement, commander of the "Eastern Corps" special purpose company, a police major. In August 2015, he resigned from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and started public and political activities. In August 2020, Shiryayev became the curator of the pro-Russian movement "Patriots for Life", which was introduced in June 2020 by Ilya Kiva, a People's Deputy from the political party "Opposition Platform - For Life".

Oleg Shiryaev was born on September 28, 1986 in the village of Myshetovo, Moscow Region. In 1989, the family moved to Ukraine.

  • From 1993 to 2003, Oleg studied at Lyubotynsk Secondary School No. 4. During his school years, he was engaged in sports: wrestling, boxing, karate.

  • In 2003, Shiryaev began to obtain a higher education at the Kharkiv National University named after S. Kuznets at the Faculty: "Accounting and Audit", majoring in "Control and Audit". In 2008, he became a master, having defended his diploma thesis on the topic: "Audit of credit operations of banks". Played for the university's sambo team.

  • From 2016 to 2017, he studied at the Law Faculty of the University of Internal Affairs.


Oleg Shiryaev has been married since 2009, the couple is raising two children.


  • Oleg started his career while studying at the university, in 2007 he got a job as an economist at the State Savings Bank of Ukraine Joint Stock Company.

  • Oleg has been a member of the right-wing organization "Patriot of Ukraine" since 2007, where he underwent sports and ideological training. "Patriots of Ukraine" were looking for illegal migrants who lived illegally in Kharkiv and together with law enforcement officers eliminated drug outlets.

  • From 2008 to 2009, Shiryaev served in the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

  • After serving in the army, Oleg Shiryaev began to professionally engage in martial arts: jiu-jitsu and grappling, won prizes in many tournaments. Also, he became a co-organizer of the tournament "I'm coming for you!", in which the best athletes and martial arts champions participate.

  • In June 2008, after his term of service, he returned to Kharkiv, where he was the head of the branch at the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine Joint-Stock Company.

  • From 2012 to 2014, Oleg held the position of regional manager at the commercial bank "Axiom".

  • On April 20, 2016, Oleg Shiryaev was appointed adviser to the governor of Kharkiv region on matters of public relations and territorial defense on a public basis.

  • Since October 2019, he became a lawyer, he was awarded the "Thank you" from the organization of lawyers of the Kharkiv region for the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens of Ukraine.

Eastern Corps

At the beginning of 2014, Oleg Shiryaev, together with other activists, created the "Eastern Corps". The movement was necessary for Kharkiv in order to fight against Anti-Maidan. The "Eastern Corps" included athletes capable of resisting pro-Russian provocateurs.

In 2015, Shiryaev and the "Eastern Corps" went through military training and for the first time went to the Russian-Ukrainian war, to the first line of defense of Mariupol. Oleg Shiryaev was appointed company commander with the rank of police captain. Oleg led the unit during the liberation of the village of Shyrokyne. In the summer of 2015, the "Eastern Corps" under the command of Shiryaev stopped the invaders near Granitny.

Since 2016, Oleg Shiryaev has opened a rehabilitation center for ATO participants, where veterans received free qualified help from psychologists and rehabilitation specialists, and could receive help in finding employment.

Later, he created the Eastern Corps security agency, which employed ATO veterans.

On September 11, 2018, the "Eastern Corps" movement dissolved itself due to the arrest of its leader and pressure from the law enforcement system.

Let's postpone the moment of cooperation with Kiva for later, because the reason for which the Eastern Corps dissolved itself is quite interesting :

On Saturday, September 8, 2018, unknown persons came to the territory of the elevator in Zanky (Zmiyiv district, Kharkiv region), calling themselves the new owners. Since that time, the employees of the Suvoroi farm have not been able to get to work.

The conflict lasted for several days, as a result, on September 11, the police were unable to contain the conflict, and shooting began on the territory of the Strict AF farm.

According to the official information of the press service of the State Police in Kharkiv region, seven people were injured as a result - six men and a district police officer who received bodily injuries.

As Viktor Proskurin, head of the nearby farm, told KHARKIV.Today from the scene, unknown people detonated a grenade that arrived today, and an assault on the elevator is being prepared.

"Most likely, they were hired by a raider. Data about him appeared in the Register on Friday, September 7. The Solonitsiv notary made changes to the Register, after which Strogoy's farm became the property of Marunyak, registered in the Donetsk region. The harvest is raided at my enterprise as well, when the workers take the sunflower crop directly from the harvester. The police can't do anything. Today, the deputy chief of the Zmiiv police department was injured, and the ambulance took him unconscious. The police do not even give out weapons," the farmer said.

The head of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, Andriy Dykun, said that on September 8, a group of 150 athletic people in balaclavas entered the territory of the elevator belonging to the FG "Strict O.F" in the Zmiiv district. At the same time, agricultural machinery entered the company's fields and started harvesting.

The police reported that they tried to take over the enterprise due to manipulations with documents. In particular, unknown persons provided the state registrar with forged documents, as a result of which the head of the enterprise was changed.

According to Dykun, on September 7, notary Oleksandr Dragin, on the basis of forged documents on the transfer of ownership rights to corporate rights, made an entry in the State Register of Rights to Real Estate, according to which the name of FG "Strict O.F." was changed. on FM "Slobozhanski Polya".

Its owner was Olena Marunyak, registered in Horlivka. According to forged documents, Alexander the Strict allegedly transferred his share to her, which did not actually happen.

The war in Zanky was for a new elevator with a capacity of 85,000 tons, as well as a new crop. About 20,000 tons of grain crops of the new crop are stored in the elevator.

"Equipment" was so loud that report to journalists.

Avakov stated that the chevrons of the ATOshniks will not exempt persons who violate the law from punishment. He said this while commenting on the raiding of farms in the Kharkiv region.

"Unfortunately, this action was attended by a number of people who have the reputation of ATOshniks, who fought in various units of the Armed Forces, the National Guard, and the National Police," he said. "No chevrons in the past, no merits in the past will exempt people who commit such crimes from punishment."

Avakov also stated that the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is "very tough" and regardless of the "stories" of violators, the approach will be unchanged.

"We will not tolerate any alternative force that will regulate legality, including in the economic sphere," the minister said.

He also announced the arrest of one of the leaders of the structure that carried out the raider seizure.

"In the past, Oleg Shiryaev is a well-known person who led the national police company Eastern Corps," Avakov explained, adding that today he will be charged with suspicion.

"We are also considering the adequacy of the actions of the local police chief: how did it happen, how was it allowed," the minister added.

On September 17, Shiryaev was sent from the pre-trial detention center, but he stayed there for 2 months and was released on bail of one million hryvnias

Realizing that in the patriotic camp Shiryaev with such a stain on his reputation will not achieve much, an interesting thing happened - the ex-commander of the "Eastern Corps" Oleg Shiryaev became the curator of the all-Ukrainian movement "Patriots for Life". It started in 2020.

You can judge the quality of this organization from the words of the head: "I personally carry out the selection. First of all, this is a biography. I prefer retired law enforcement officers. Members of the police, Sokol and Berkut special forces. These are the people who have an awareness of honor, conscience, discipline and order. We have one task - to create conditions under which the law will be the law in our country, and the person will be protected, to minimize the level of chaos and arbitrariness that is happening on our streets today," said Ilya Kiva about how they get into the ranks of the organization.

And what comments did Shiryaev himself give: "It is very profitable now to call us "athletes", "titushkas", "Oplot". This is simple propaganda. Those people who say that are really afraid of us. Yes, we have athletes. But it is not 90% and not even 50. It is somewhere, maybe 30%. We also have ordinary workers, lawyers."

And in this "OZU" of Kiva, Oleg turned out to be quite useful - not everyone dares to slander

At the end of the summer of 2019, law enforcement officers discovered a weapons warehouse in the Kharkiv region: almost five kilograms of TNT, 2,300 different types of ammunition, almost 62,000 rounds of various calibers and a lot of auxiliary military equipment.

As sources in the law enforcement agencies said at the time, Oleg Shiryaev could be related to him. Shiryaev himself denied this in a comment, and his manager Ilya Kiva added that he had already testified in this case.

"Shyryaev has already testified in several other cases, and now he is testifying in the General Prosecutor's Office and the main investigative department about dozens of such cases, which at one time Biletsky, together with Korotky "Botsman" (Serhiy Korotkykh - Belarusian, former Azov, right-hand man of Andriy Biletsky, - ed.) were taken out of the zone of the anti-terrorist operation," Kiva said.

At the beginning of its journey, the "National Corps" set itself a very important goal and ideals. It attracted me. There were many social projects, sports programs, they defended the motherland - that's for sure. But the leadership of the "National Corps" later changed its ideals. They chose the financial side. The demand for such power organizations in the political market is quite high, and they were simply sold. When I saw how they were making money from this movement, I had some disagreements with them and left," said Oleg Shiryaev.

At the same time, the "National Corps" assured that Shiryaev was once expelled from the organization allegedly because of his passion for money.

"After we discovered that this person has nothing to do with nationalism or patriotism, but only with making money at the expense of the organization's name and patriotic flags, we said goodbye to him," said the head of the National Corps headquarters. Maxim Zhorin.

But "Patriots for Life" were not allowed to conduct their openly pro-Russian activities for a long time, already in the summer of 2021, law enforcement agencies began searches and arrests, here is an example of a photo from one of their searches of "patriots":

But Kiva and Shiryaev soon did not limit themselves to one slander and the enmity turned to violence:

In the spring of 2021, Artem Moshenskyi, a representative of the National Corps, was shot in Kharkiv - he was hospitalized with a wound in the neck, the Correspondent .

The leader of the National Corps, Maksym Zhorin, confirmed in Telegram that a representative of the National Corps was injured, and also blamed the attack on Oleg Shiryaev, who, according to him, is one of the curators of Ilya Kiva's "titushok".

In turn, Shiryaev on Facebook denies his involvement in the shooting and says that the culprits should be found among his own.

A local resident said that he provided first aid to the injured and saw the attacker running. According to him, the shooter was middle-aged, wearing a cap, T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

According to TSN, one of the local residents heard the shots. The man rushed to the scene, where he saw the wounded man. A bystander called the police and medics, and before their arrival he clamped the victim's wound.

"I heard sounds and came out from around the corner. It literally took 2 seconds. I held the wound and waited for an ambulance. He was going to training. He told me: "I tried to go to training." I talked to him so he wouldn't faint. And asked him. He tried to leave," said the eyewitness.

The shooter managed to escape. Other local residents claim that the attacker was wearing a panama jacket, a checkered shirt and blue pants, and was holding a bag in his hands.

And as you already understood, this unknown shooter turned out to be Shiryaev - the SBU announced that Shiryaev was suspected of a crime.

"The man was hit with a knuckle duster, which led to serious consequences, and a stab wound... They actually documented themselves, took a video, and partially made it publicly available," Roman Dudin, head of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region, said at a briefing on August 3.

a witness in the case - the victim's driver, who, according to Dudin, lived in the territory of Horlivka, which is not controlled by Ukraine, and in July gave the SBU a statement confirming Shiryaev's involvement in the crime.

"Shyryaev was declared a suspect. That is, to one episode that he had, if I'm not mistaken, in 2018, an episode that took place in 2021 was added. Shiryaev created a group of persons under his control who actually received wages for performing certain tasks. From the video, the materials we have, what we can talk about is the destabilization of the situation in the Kharkiv region," said the head of the Security Service of Ukraine.

explained the motives of the attack on March 19 as follows: "They expected that there would be a response. For what? In order to talk in a political context about whether to justify their existence in front of the political party they represent (Dudin did not mention the name of the party. - Ed.), and to talk about the fact that there is fascism, Nazism in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens are oppressed. These are groups that worked for destabilization."

"And after that, you can declare - on the territory of the Russian Federation, other countries - about political pressure and the inability of Ukraine to protect the political rights and freedoms of citizens. It was actually a provocation," says Dudin.

Shiryaev was detained on the night of July 6. As reported by the prosecutor's office, this is related to his alleged failure to appear before the investigator in the 2018 case regarding the raiding of an elevator in the Kharkiv region, in which he is suspected.

Later, he was remanded in custody.

, 2 new suspicions were announced to Oleg Shiryaev, an associate of deputy Ilya Kiva Investigators found reason to believe he was involved in a knife attack on a person in March 2020.

The prosecutor's office of the Kharkiv region told journalists about this.

Then the perpetrator, together with an accomplice, first beat the victim, and then inflicted a knife wound.

It is believed to be the attack that took place near the Riva Park Shale facility. Then, after the incident, a video was made public where a voice similar to Shiryaev's can be heard.

And already in 2021, Shiryaeva was charged with mass riots, hooliganism, destruction of property of a law enforcement officer, and causing grievous bodily harm. Shiryaev would have sat for both the elevator and the patriots, if not for the full-scale invasion of Russia.

From the article dated March 7, 2022, we learn that Shiryaev was released on the basis of the initiative of the President of Ukraine to release persons who have significant combat experience in the ATO zone in 2014-2015.

And already in June 2023, Shiryaev received the award.

Junior Sergeant Oleg Shiryaev was awarded the Order "For Courage" III degree.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, presented awards to the military. The corresponding decree was published on May 24 on the website of the head of state.

In particular, junior sergeant Oleg Shiryaev was awarded the Order of Courage III degree. He serves in the 228th battalion of ground defense.

"The president signed a decree awarding state awards to the fighters of my unit! Thank you! Bright memory to those who did not live to this moment. You are forever in the line. We serve the Ukrainian people!” Oleg Shiryaev wrote on his Facebook.

In general, what makes Shiryaev's story interesting is the fact that, while most special forces combat officers do not take off their balaclavas and avoid publicity, Olen, on the contrary, likes to brag on his Instagram about photos with the military and political leadership of Ukraine, as if bragging about his height." status".

Judging by his media activity, isn't he planning to appear in the Verkhovna Rada tomorrow? Or will we see him as the new Minister of Internal Affairs?



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