Petro Poroshenko became richer in May by more than 227 million hryvnias

In May, the leader of the largest parliamentary faction, Petro Poroshenko, became richer by more than 227 million hryvnias. This information was published in the Unified State Register of Declarations on the portal of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.

According to the declarations submitted to the NAKC regarding changes in property status, in May 2024, Poroshenko became richer by 227 million 898 thousand hryvnias. The People's Deputy indicated in his declarations that he received these funds as interest, dividends and return of value from the purchase of securities.

According to the mass media, Poroshenko was previously accused of investing UAH 156 million in bonds through his bank, which Ukrainians donated to his fund for the Armed Forces. From these investments, he earned UAH 50 million in untaxed profit.

According to an analytical report by YouControl, people's deputies from Poroshenko's party "European Solidarity", of whom there are only 27 out of 401 in the parliament, during the war became as rich as all other elected members of the Verkhovna Rada combined. The earnings of opposition members from the "Eurosolidarity" faction in two years amounted to over UAH 3 billion, which is approximately equal to the earnings of 374 deputies from other parties.

In addition, in 2022, Petro Poroshenko became 20 times richer than before the war, declaring 1 billion 435 million UAH in earnings. In the pre-war year of 2021, Poroshenko earned only UAH 162 million. The oligarch entered the top three richest Ukrainians together with Viktor Pinchuk and Rinat Akhmetov. In 2023, compared to 2022, Poroshenko's fortune increased by 224 million dollars and amounted to almost 1 billion dollars.



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