After the scandal in Dnipro, Zhorin invited Tyshchenko to the front

The fight between the bodyguards of MP Mykola Tyshchenko and the military caused indignation and reaction from well-known military and public figures, in particular the ex-commander of the "Azov" battalion Maksym Zhorin. He made a statement regarding the incident that took place in Dnipro, where a military man was beaten by the bodyguards of a deputy of Ukraine.

According to Zhorin, such acts of people in military uniform "discredit the army and soldiers."

Ex-commander of "Azov", deputy commander of the 3rd OShbr, Maksym Zhorin, invited people's deputies, in particular the odious Mykola Tyshchenko, and "lovers of military clothing" to the unit.

The major of the ZSU wrote about this on the Telegram channel page.

"Bodyguards of Koli Tyshchenko and other "very important" persons, pseudo-military at LGBT parades, people's deputies who have nothing to do with the army - they all put on military uniforms," ​​the soldier believes.

In his opinion, similar actions of people in military uniform "discredit the army and soldiers who protect the country today at the cost of their own lives."

"The answer to the question: "Why?" is obvious - all these not very decent people want to be attached to the military category, giving more importance to themselves and their activities. Thereby discrediting the army and the soldiers who protect the country today at the cost of their own lives. He even publicly invited the same people's deputies - lovers of military clothing - to the unit on several occasions. Go to the front and wear it as much as you want," Zhorin commented sharply.





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