On Thursday, February 6, Ukraine will gradually change in Ukraine. Rainfall will almost stop, only in some places in the west of the country and in the Crimea it is possible to light snow. Despite the gloom, sunlights are expected in many regions of the country.
Temperature will remain mainly at the level of slight frosts at night and about 0 ° C in the daytime.
Weather forecast by region
- Kiev : cloudy with clearings, at night -1 °, in the afternoon +1 °.
- Lviv : Little cloudy, snow, at night -3 °, in the daytime +1 °.
- Uzhgorod : warmer than in other regions -at night -2 °, in the daytime +6 °, a slight cloudy.
- Ivano -Frankivsk : a small cloudy, at night -4 °, in the afternoon +2 °.
- Odessa : a small cloudy, at night -2 °, in the afternoon +1 °.
- Kharkiv : gloomy, at night -4 °, in the afternoon -2 °.
- Dnipro : cloudy, at night -3 °, in the afternoon 0 °.
- Simferopol : cloudy with low snow, at night -4 °, in the afternoon -2 °.
In the west of the country (Lutsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi), small cloudiness with temperatures up to -3 ° at night and about 0 ° in the afternoon will prevail. In the center and south (Vinnytsia, Kropyvnytskyi, Nikolaev, Kherson), gloom will be maintained, and the temperature will fluctuate from -3 ° to +1 °.
In the eastern regions, such as Kramatorsk and Severodonetsk, it is expected gloomy, at night up to -5 °, in the afternoon -1 °.
Although the present day will bring less precipitation, frosty weather remains the main companion this winter. New changes in weather conditions are possible in the coming days, including fever in some regions.
Winter gradually loses power, but it is necessary to be prepared for its possible surprises.