The Zakarpattia police have started criminal proceedings in connection with the conflict near the Vynohradiv TCC

Law enforcement agencies of the Zakarpattia region have started a criminal investigation in connection with the conflict that occurred near the Vynogradiv Territorial Cultural Center (TCC).

According to law enforcement officers, about a dozen residents of the village of Onok arrived at the military police station yesterday evening. They "expressed displeasure over the mobilization of two of their comrades."

"When the participants in the conflict tried to open the entrance gate by force, the employees of the TCC and the SP fired warning shots into the air," the police said in a statement. It is stated that people "violated public order and committed hooligan acts."

"Currently, the conflict on this matter has been exhausted. The investigators qualified such actions under Part 4 of Art. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Hooliganism). Procedural measures are ongoing, the actions of each of the participants will be given a legal assessment by the law enforcement officers. Those guilty of hooliganism face up to 7 years in prison," the police said.

We will remind that the military commissariat in Vynohradov was besieged by local Roma yesterday. They demanded the release of their fellow villagers, who were taken from the market by the TCC.



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