Half of Ukrainians believe that Zelensky has not fulfilled most of his promises

According to the KMIS poll conducted on the fifth anniversary of President Zelenskyi's inauguration, half of Ukrainians believe that he has not fulfilled most of his pre-election promises.

25% said no promise was kept. Another 25% - that a minority of promises have been fulfilled.

18% believe that most or even all of Zelensky's promises have been fulfilled.

41% consider Zelensky himself responsible for this result. Of them, 27% consider his inexperience and incompetence to be the reason, and 14% – his corruption.

The majority blames external factors, especially the environment.

50% believe that the corrupt environment hindered the president. 32% – lack of competent people in the team. 31% - war. 26% - influence of oligarchs. 10% each – the influence of other countries and the opposition.

Earlier, a survey was published in which the majority of Ukrainians stated that the situation with democracy and the economy in Ukraine has worsened during the 5 years of Zelenskyi's presidency.



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