An assistant with a dubious reputation: Danylo Hetmantsev took Yevgeny Sokur to the team

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danylo Hetmantsev, recognized as his assistant Yevgeny Sokur, a former official of the State Tax Service (SST), dismissed due to corruption scandals. The appointment caused a wide public outcry, because a criminal investigation is currently underway against Sokur.

When it comes to cleaning public institutions from corruption, it is important not only to talk, but also to act. However, for Danylo Hetmantsev, head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, it seems that these principles are not binding. His latest personnel move causes not only surprise, but also indignation: Hetmantsev publicly announced that his new assistant will be Yevgeny Sokur, a man whose reputation has long been questioned.

This is how you can describe the rapid career rise of Sokur, who was recently dismissed from the position of acting head of state. deputy head of the DPS due to numerous scandals. Both his alleged violations of anti-corruption legislation and more serious charges related to obstructing the supply of fuel and lubricants to the army during the war were in the center of attention.

As you know, a criminal case is being investigated against Sokur, which was opened by the SBI on November 4, 2022 under part 3 Art. 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The investigation believes that Sokur, while in the post of acting deputy head of the DPS, on October 26, 2022, signed the order to cancel the license of PJSC "Ukrtatnafta" for the production of fuel, which caused serious consequences for the company, as well as for the state in the form of the impossibility of fulfilling the mobilization tasks of the Ministry of Defense for the production and supply of petroleum products for the needs of defense and defense capabilities of the state. The State Bureau of Investigation reported that this criminal proceeding is still under investigation.

Moreover, it turned out that Sokur also violated anti-corruption legislation. During the investigation into the case of the alleged attempt on him, Sokur himself told the law enforcement officers that since 2016 he has been living with a girl named Alina in an apartment on Lobanovskyi Avenue, 6-D. However, he never once mentioned his roommate in his declarations. After the parliamentary appeal of Nina Yuzhanina, a member of the Verkhovna Rada's Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, the NAZK started an investigation of Yevgeny Sokur. The Agency also confirmed that they monitor the official's lifestyle. The head of the Public Council at the NAZK, Kateryna Butko, noted that the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption is checking whether Sokur had cohabitation with his roommate Alina.

Later it turned out that Sokur lives with Alina Lebedeva. As indicated in the Youcontrol system, Alina Lebedeva registered the FOP on August 3, 2022. The main line of business is retailing of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pets and feed for them in specialized stores. It is worth noting that Sokur received a senior position in the tax office less than three months before - in May 2022.

It is not surprising that for a little more than a year of work during a full-scale war, things were going so well for Alina Lebedeva that on her birthday, November 1, 2023, she announced the opening of a flower boutique in the heart of the capital - in the business center "Leonardo ".

According to experts, the breakthrough success of Sokura's roommate may be related to another very interesting aspect - the legalization of funds with the help of her business.

But, it seems, these circumstances do not worry Danylo Hetmantsev. In his comment, he actually defends Sokur and the team of tax officials under his control, stating:

"I personally thanked them publicly. People are really cool. And they really showed that in the DPS, which has always been the heart of corruption, it is possible to work in a different way, according to the law, breaking long-term schemes. These are the best tax specialists in the country today. Therefore, I am convinced that the team will have no problems with further employment. I will be very grateful if they join my team. In particular, Sokur agreed to be my assistant."

Iryna Zlenko, the former head of the tax department of the Khmelnytskyi region, said that Danylo Hetmantsnev personally managed the tax service, in particular, he held meetings with employees when the DPS was nominally headed by Tetyana Kiriyenko, and also determined the personnel policy of the body. According to the former head of the tax department of Khmelnytskyi, Danylo Hetmantsev created an organized criminal group in the tax department and managed it. His future assistant Yevhenii Sokur helped him in this. All the "sweet" areas of work of the tax service were closed on it - licensing, VAT refund and blocking of business operations.

NABU promised to take Iryna Zlenko's statements into account. "The task of the National Bureau is to combat criminal corruption offenses committed by high-ranking officials authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, and which pose a threat to national security. The information provided in the application will be taken into account and used by the detectives of the National Bureau during the performance of their duties, defined by the Law," the law enforcement officers said.

It was during the work of Hetmantsev's people in the DPS that the business actively complained about pressure, blocking of tax invoices and illegal actions. Entrepreneurs complained about constant information requests, which required a lot of documents, and unfair inclusion in the lists of risky companies. Such actions of tax officials became one of the main reasons for the mass closure of enterprises in 2023-2024.

Probably, Hetmantsev's devoted love for Sokur is connected with fear. After all, the chairman of the tax committee of the Council understands that if his cronies talk, his place of residence can very quickly change from a warm office and a deputy's chair to the Lukyaniv pre-trial detention center. It is possible that even at the stage of Sokur's transfer from Hetmantsev's assistant to the DPS, the People's Deputy promised him patronage to prevent this from happening. This, in particular, is confirmed by the fact that Hetmantsev stubbornly ignored all the claims of law enforcement officers to Sokur.

However  , is such a reputation appropriate for an assistant to a people's deputy who declares the fight against corruption?



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