On August 2, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered a new draft law under the number 11460, which provides for changes in the reservation rules for certain categories of persons. The initiator of this bill is Petro Poroshenko.
According to the proposal, persons who have received financial grants from international partners, including people's deputies, officials, judges, prosecutors, representatives of public organizations and experts on regulatory acts, will have the right to travel abroad without hindrance during the validity of the reservation. This will allow them to perform their duties abroad without hindrance.
The draft law proposes that such persons, in particular people's deputies and deputies of local councils, will be able to leave Ukraine if they have a document on deferment from the draft. This document will give them the right to leave, which applies to the entire period of validity of the postponement.
Also, under the new changes, persons subject to reservation will have the right to travel abroad without hindrance if they have a reservation document. This applies to conscripts who work at critical enterprises or organizations.
The new reservation procedure, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers resolution dated June 5, 2024, allows up to 100% reservation of grant project employees, regardless of their direction. The decree of June 21, 2024 approved the list of organizations that received the right to reserve up to 100% of their employees.
It is also proposed that when dealing with TCC reservations, the police and judicial authorities will not have the right to apply any measures of influence or restrictions to persons in the process of making reservations. This will ensure that individuals are protected from mobilization while their booking is being processed.
The draft law is aimed at improving the conditions for the performance of professional duties of persons occupying key positions in the country, and ensuring their rights to unimpeded travel abroad in connection with the performance of important functions.