In Zaporizhzhya, the staff of the State Bureau of Investigation, together with the Security Service of Ukraine, exposed and detained the official of the Military Law Enforcement Service (VSP), who illegally assisted the military on traveling abroad.
The attacker was detained while receiving a $ 4,000 bribe. For that money, he promised to prepare the necessary documents that allow the local resident to allow the local resident.
Detailed-Head of the Group of Security and Patrol Service of the VSP. He offered the military registration of documents confirming their unfit for military service.
The official assured that he had links to the Tax Code and the JV in Zaporizhzhya, and promised to help with the receipt of the Military Medical Commission (VLK) and a temporary certificate of the military with a note of the service.
In addition, he provided detailed "consultations" about how convenient to leave the territory of Ukraine with counterfeit documents.

Law enforcement officers exposed the attacker during transferring $ 4,000 from one of the clients.
Investigative actions are currently underway to identify all persons who could be involved in this corruption scheme. The issue of notifying the detainee about the suspicion and the election of a preventive measure is resolved.