In Ukraine, they plan to adopt draft laws that will cancel fines for arms suppliers that delay deliveries to the front. This was announced by the head of the Anti-Corruption Center (CPC) Vitaly Shabunin on his Facebook page. Bills No. 12202 and No. 6013 provide for the cancellation of fines for suppliers if the delay in deliveries lasts more than 30 days.
Shabunin noted that these draft laws are being lobbied in the interests of large suppliers, such as "Spetstechnoexport" and "Lviv Arsenal", which have not fulfilled their obligations regarding the supply of weapons and ammunition worth billions of hryvnias. For example, "Spetstechnoexport" did not deliver weapons worth 6 billion hryvnias, and "Lviv Arsenal" was supposed to withdraw 1.5 billion hryvnias from the Ministry of Defense, but the ammunition was never handed over.
According to the current law, if the supplier does not fulfill the terms of the contract within 30 days, a penalty of 7% of the contract value is imposed on him. This mechanism encourages suppliers to fulfill their obligations in a timely manner. However, new draft laws, if adopted, may destroy this mechanism, which, according to Shabunin, will be beneficial only to individual companies that have failed to fulfill their obligations.
Such legislative initiatives raise serious questions about the transparency of defense procurement and possible corruption risks.