President of FC "Ingulets" Povoroznyuk removes compromising information from the Internet

Oleksandr Povoroznyuk is a character known for his loud statements, abusive performances and flamboyant behavior. His media image is something in between the "national hero" and "a rebel for no reason." However, this eccentric facade hides much more than it seems at first glance. What does a businessman and a football functionary hide, whom even the Peacemaker site brought to his base as a "marauder and a thief"?

If you ask Google about Oleksandr Povorozniuk, you can come across the news about his next shrinking speech or scandalous statement: "Some results are removed under the data protection law in Europe." This means that despite all its frankness, it actively cleans its own digital footprint. Question: What exactly does he want to hide?

Povoroznyuk himself does not hide the facts of his convictions. In an interview, he said that he was "staying" twice: once in the Soviet army for attacking an officer and a sergeant, and for the second time - for theft of two canisters of the solar. However, other statements are confused. In an interview with Natalia Moseychuk, he said, "I am three times convicted." And in a conversation with "Economic Truth" he mentioned four convictions.

In open sources, you can find a mention of the 1998 case under the article "Severe bodily harm". This is a completely different level that does not fit into his version of the "canisters of the diesel room". And if Povoroznyuk himself openly talks about two criminal record, then what lies behind the rest? Why does he avoid third and fourth topics?

Povoroznyuk's career also raises a lot of questions. According to his own version, he rose thanks to a bank loan, which he received without a pledge "to the honest word." It seems that even in the 90's it would sound like fantasy. However, at that moment, the former KGB officer Sergey Ganzha, who later became a high -ranking official of the SBU, stood behind his back, and after the Maidan fled to Russia and joined the occupation administration of Zaporizhzhya region.

Sources claim that in the 1990s, Povoroznyuk actively worked with the storage of the State Property, in particular the funds of the State Reserve. Its scheme was simple: to get cheap fuel, to sell to agricultural enterprises in debt, and then to take their property for debt.

Despite its criminal biography, Povoroznyuk not only remains in the media space, but also receives support at the highest level. He actively cooperates with the "servant of the people" and even headed the district organization of the party in the Kirovograd region.

In 2023, the state even planned to make a movie for a budget for UAH 33.6 million. After a high -profile scandal, the project was closed, but Povoroznyuk did not lose the support of the authorities. It is often shown in the Telelorphone, and its main media adapt was presented by Natalia Mosaychuk.

The public image of Povorozniuk is a "people's businessman" that helps the front. But this facade hides another image - a rigid leader who ruthlessly deal with those who have not pleased him. One of the latest scandals: his Ingulets football club passed one of the players of the military enlistment office when he refused to sign a new contract.

He walks in military uniform, has a registered machine and the title of "Major General of Ukrainian Cossacks". However, he is in no hurry to the front, instead sending others there.

Oleksandr Povoroznyuk is not just a scandalous agrarian or football functionary. It is a character with a deep criminal past, who skillfully manipulates his public reputation, using media and political ties for his own benefit. His loud statements, curses and obscene swearing are not just expressiveness, but a well -designed strategy. And while the authorities look at him through his fingers, he continues to build his own empire without neglecting anything.



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