Problems in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense: shortcomings and challenges

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine acknowledged the presence of serious problems in the treatment of soldiers. When asked about the conditions under which servicemen with concussions receive medical care, the director of the health care department of the Ministry of Defense, Oksana Sukhorukova, answered that doctors show great dedication and sacrifice, but work in extremely difficult conditions.

In general, according to her, the reason is that military and civilian medicine developed in parallel, each in its own way.

Therefore, currently most of the problems are observed in education and culture, attitude to the patient.

However, Sukhorukova kept silent about another equally important fact, that after returning from the battlefield, the fighters will need treatment for PTSD and prosthetics.

However, the state does not have the money for this: instead of fighting PTSD, providing servicemen with prostheses and training competent doctors, the government increases TCC workers on the streets and suicide statistics.



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