Monday in Ukraine promises to be cool, but mostly dry, which will reduce discomfort from winter weather. Such a forecast was given by forecaster Nataliya Didenko in her post on Facebook.
At night and in the morning, light snow is possible in the western and eastern regions of the country. However, according to Didenko, an anticyclone named Beate will remove precipitation during the day, drying the air and the surface.
However, the forecaster warns of the risk of ice, as even a slight frost can make roads and sidewalks slippery. She advises drivers and pedestrians to be careful.
In Kyiv, the weather will be without precipitation, but with ice. The temperature will drop to -2...-4 degrees at night, and will be close to zero during the day.
According to Natalia Didenko, no significant changes in the weather are expected in the coming days, but gradual warming is possible from January 16.
People's forecaster from Volyn Volodymyr Derkach also confirms that January 2025 will be quite warm for winter. The second decade of the month will begin with positive temperatures during the day and slight frosts at night. However, in the middle of the month, precipitation and short-term cooling are forecast, which will end closer to the end of the second decade.
- Kyiv : -2...-4°C at night, around 0°C during the day, without precipitation.
- Western regions : light snow is possible at night, dry during the day.
- Eastern regions : short-term snow, frost at night.
Warm winters and frequent temperature fluctuations are becoming characteristic of Ukraine's climate, so adaptation to new weather conditions is an important task for everyone.