Weather forecast for January 11: snow and up to +10°C in some places

Today in Ukraine, mixed weather is expected: it will snow in some places, and in some regions the temperature will rise to 10 degrees during the day. This is reported by the Ukrhydrometeorological center.

According to forecasters, a little snow will fall in the western regions on Saturday. There, the air temperature during the day will vary from 4 degrees of frost to 1 degree of heat, in the Carpathians - 3 to 8 below zero.

In the northern, central, Odesa and Mykolaiv regions, precipitation is also forecast at night - moderate sleet and rain, but during the day there will be no significant precipitation. The temperature at night is from 2 degrees of frost to 3 degrees of heat, and during the day - 0 to 5 above zero.

In the rest of the country, no precipitation is forecast at night, and during the day it is possible that it will be light, mainly in the form of rain. The temperature will be positive: at night it will be 1-6 degrees, and during the day - 5-10.

On the roads of the country, except in the south and southeast, there is ice in places. The wind is west, south-west, 7-12 meters per second.

Weather in Kyiv and the region

Forecasters in Kyiv predict cloudy weather with clearings. At night there will be sleet and rain, and during the day there will be no precipitation. Ice is possible on the roads in places.

The wind will be south-westerly at a speed of 7-12 meters per second.

Thermometers in the region will show from 3 degrees of heat to 2 degrees of frost at night, and 0 to 5 degrees above zero during the day. And in Kyiv - at night - 0 - 2 degrees of frost, during the day - 0 - 2 degrees of heat.

As a reminder, Ukrainians can expect changeable weather until the end of the winter period. Frosts will be replaced by warming, and real winter will last only in the Carpathians.



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