Dry and comfortable weather with slight cloudiness is expected in Ukraine today. According to the Ukrhydrometeorological center, the temperature during the day will range from 12° to 17°, while at night the thermometer will drop to 0-5°.
According to forecasters, there will be little cloud cover on October 22. No precipitation. In the western regions at night and in the morning there is some fog.
Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s.
The temperature at night is 0-5°, on the sea coast up to 8° of heat, in the Carpathians 1-3° of frost; during the day in Ukraine it is 12-17° warm.
Weather forecast for Kyiv region
Little cloudiness. No precipitation. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. The temperature is 0-5°C, during the day 12-17°C. In Kyiv, the temperature at night is 3-5° warm, during the day 14-16°.