On Friday, January 24, mostly gloomy weather will remain in Ukraine, with precipitation in the form of rain and sleet. Temperature indicators will remain at the level of previous days, without significant changes.
Central and northern regions
- Kiev : cloudy, at night +1 °, in the afternoon +3 °, wet snow.
- Zhytomyr : cloudy, at night +1 °, in the daytime +2 °, wet snow.
- Chernihiv : cloudy, +1 ° ... +2 °.
- Cherkasy : cloudy, at night +1 °, in the daytime +3 °.
- Poltava : gloomy, 0 °…+2 °.
- Kropyvnytskyi : cloudy, at night +2 °, in the afternoon +5 °.
Western regions
- Lviv : Small cloudy, at night +1 °, in the daytime +3 °, light rain.
- Lutsk : Small cloudiness, at night +1 °, in the afternoon +3 °, rain.
- Exactly : low cloudy, 0 ° at night, in the daytime +2 °, rain.
- Ternopil : small cloudiness, at night +1 °, in the afternoon +3 °, wet snow.
- Khmelnitsky : cloudy, at night +1 °, in the afternoon +1 °, sleet.
- Ivano-Frankivsk : cloudy, at night +2 °, in the afternoon +4 °, rain.
- Uzhgorod : cloudy, at night +3 °, in the afternoon +4 °, light rain.
- Chernivtsi : cloudy, at night +2 °, in the afternoon +5 °, rain.
Southern regions
- Odessa : small cloudy, at night +4 °, in the afternoon +8 °, rain.
- Kherson : Small cloudiness, at night +3 °, in the daytime +10 °.
- Nikolaev : cloudy with clearings, at night +2 °, in the afternoon +10 °.
- Zaporozhye : cloudy, at night +2 °, in the daytime +6 °.
- Simferopol : a small cloud, +4 °… +11 °.
Eastern regions
- Sumy : cloudy, at night 0 °, in the daytime +1 °, light rain.
- Kharkiv : cloudy, light rain, at night -1 °, in the afternoon +1 °.
- Kramatorsk : cloudy, at night 0 °, in the daytime +2 °, light rain.
- Severodonetsk : cloudy, light rain with snow, at night -1 °, in the afternoon +1 °.
Dnipro and adjacent areas
- Dnipro : cloudy, at night +2 °, in the daytime +4 °.
The weather will remain cool and mainly moist throughout Ukraine. In most regions, precipitation is expected, so drivers and pedestrians should be careful through slippery roads and high humidity.