In Ukraine, on February 5, cool weather with temperatures up to -5 ° C at night and from -2 ° C to +2 ° C will be held. Snowfalls are expected in Sumy, Poltava, Kharkiv, as well as places in the west of the country. This was reported by the weatherman Natalka Didenko.
The weather in Ukraine on February 5 is not special changes. The air temperature will be 0-5 ° C of frost, tomorrow from 2 ° C frost to 2 ° C heat. The wind is expected in the northern destinations, moderate, sometimes rusty.
It is noted that snow is expected in Sumy, Poltava and Kharkiv region. Also, light snow will take place in the western regions. However, in the rest of Ukraine on February 5-without significant rainfall.
In Kiev, on Wednesday is expected at night -1-3 ° C, in the afternoon about zero. Without precipitation. On the roads there is ice.
From February 7, the weather of Ukraine will be determined by a powerful anticyclone from the north. This means that precipitation is unlikely, increases clarification, which is a predictive sign that frost at night will strengthen, to -3-8 ° C, but will warm up to 0+2 ° C in the day