Reasons in your mind: experts named the most common dreams and their true meaning

Dreams have always aroused people's curiosity, because they can reflect our subconscious, emotional state or experiences. Experts in the field of psychology and dreams have studied the most common dream themes and their possible meanings. Here are some of them.

Experts have revealed some of the most common dreams people have and what they really mean. The publication Unilad writes about it.

After you wake up, chances are you'll remember the dream you had, whether it was really weird or interesting or not. And it turns out that people can have anywhere from three to seven dreams a night, but it's highly unlikely that you'll remember them all.

The ones you remember will most likely be related to themes you've seen before, and there may be a reason why you're dreaming about them.

There are many common dreams that people can have and experts have explained it.


Have you ever had that strange feeling of falling asleep and waking up? It turns out that you are not alone, as dreams of this kind are quite common.

As for what it could mean, sleep expert Dr Deborah Lee told MailOnline: 'You may dream of falling if you have a fear of failure, such as a fear of failing at work, losing money, falling in the stock market or fearing a crash. business".

If you fell from a great height, this may be a sign that you will have to make an important decision.

Meanwhile, if you woke up before you hit the ground in your dream, Dr. Lee said, "this can be a good sign because it symbolizes that you took action at the last minute and avoided the disaster."

Tooth loss

This is another common dream that people have and it can mean different things to different people. One common reason is if you have recently suffered a loss.

Dream interpreter and analyst Jane Teresa Anderson said: “Usually people experience a sense of permanent tooth loss in these dreams. A person can feel or experience a sense of loss in life or worry about his image - because what is a smile without teeth?".

Cheating on a partner

Whether you want to admit it or not, we've all had this dream at some point in our lives.

Although you might assume that this means that your relationship might be in trouble, this is not always the case, as it can also be a signal that something is missing in your life.

However, when it comes to relationships, certified dream analyst Laurie Levenberg suggested that it has to do with guilt.

"I've found that the main reason you cheat in your dreams is because deep down you feel guilty or worried that your actions are taking away from the time you should be spending in the relationship," she said. she.



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