"Reporters without borders" called on the government of Ukraine to abandon the telethon "Edyny Novyny"

The international organization "Reporters without Borders" calls on the government of Ukraine to stop participating in the joint telethon "One News", which, according to them, threatens the diversity of views in the media space.

In their address, they emphasized that the telethon has been broadcast in Ukraine for almost two years and receives strong criticism from the public, and its ratings are low.

According to Jeanne Cavelier, RSF's representative for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, "Edyny Novyy" can be a useful tool in countering Russian disinformation, but its format is outdated and currently undermines media pluralism.

The organization emphasized that over the past two years, Ukrainian TV channels have significantly improved their work and can provide more reliable information, fighting Russian propaganda while maintaining their editorial independence.

Therefore, Reporters Without Borders calls on the government of Ukraine to stop the telethon and focus efforts on increasing financial support for public and independent mass media. They also note that, despite the authorities' statements about the need to reform the telethon, its budget continues to remain high, exceeding 1.5 billion hryvnias.



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