Retrogradability of Venus and Mercury: What is worth knowing before the beginning of March

March 2025 will be a real challenge for many. Ksenia Bazilenko's astrologine said that this month is marked by low sequence, retrograde on the planet and unpredictable events. The period from March 3 to March 9 is a preparatory stage for major astrological events that can dramatically change life.

According to Bazilenko, this week is the period of preparation for eclipses. Venus retrograde begins at the beginning of the week and will last until April 12. This time its influence will be especially powerful because of the unique circumstances of the month.

It is not necessary to miss a favorable opportunity that Mercury gives us. From the very beginning of the week, he leaves a sign of fish where he felt weakened and goes into Aries. Due to this change, the activity of the mind is increasing, rapid ingenuity, instant solutions. This will help us to arrange the accumulated things and prepare for important events

The astrologer said.

However, as Bazilenko noted, since March 11, Mercury will slow down its speed, and from March 14 will move into a retrograde movement. This will complicate communications again, impair mutual understanding and slow down the speed of thinking.

On March 5, Saturn will connect with the sun, and this position will remain until the end of the week. It will lead us to the forced decision -making, the analysis of serious situations and to build clear plans for the future. In this case, fatigue, heaviness, lethargy can be physically felt. "During this period it is especially important to adhere to self -discipline - otherwise difficulties in self -realization and a sense of limitedness are possible," - called Basilenko.

The sun will also form a harmonious trigon to Mars, but at the same time - a tense quadrature to Jupiter. This indicates active actions by world leaders, but with excessive ambition and high self -esteem.

As for each of us, now, as the astrologer stated, it is best to follow discipline, to act responsibly, clearly and according to the plan.

It is important this week to be particularly careful about financial issues and love relationships. The week is preparatory for eclipses, but while Mercury is still in direct motion, we have the opportunity to think clearly, hold important meetings, engage in active communication and intellectual activity. In other situations, you need to discipline, follow a clear plan and avoid selfishness and self -confidence.

- Basilenko said. 


This week you will actively understand your inner world, which will lead to significant positive changes in your personality. This is a good time to make important decisions and implement your plan, but you should ask yourself: do you really need it? In personal life, confusion is possible - try to understand your feelings.


A positive changes are waiting for you, but you should act in a meaningful way. It is now important to prepare for the future and the eclipse period - right now you need to plan and take important steps. Be careful with secret novels - their consequences can soon be revealed.


The week will be active, allowing you to implement many plans. Try to complete the important things to the eclipses. However, be careful: unnecessary ambitions can harm your career. Do not rush to invest in new projects and make big purchases.


You are full of strength and energy, you are supporting the surrounding and higher strength. Now - a great time to plan the future and perform important tasks, success is guaranteed. However, the restoration of official novels can lead to problems.


A week will bring you success in any activity. You can risk, but only if you carefully analyze the situation and a clear plan. Luck accompanies legal matters. In the financial sphere, it is time to settle with debts. In love, it is possible to return the former from afar.


The week will be successful, especially in negotiations and establishing contacts with the environment and partners. Now it is worth planning the upcoming month. In the love sphere, a passion for the former but potentially complex consequences is possible. Be careful.


The week promises to be loaded and business. Try to close important questions and identify plans for a difficult future. In personal life, difficulties in relationships with a man, as well as the emergence of former partners, which can cause internal confusion.


Now it is better not to spend strength, but on the contrary - to accumulate them, devoting time to solitude, analysis of your life and relationships with children. In the love sphere, difficulties and misunderstandings are possible. Do not make new acquaintances.


The week will be calm. It is better to focus on household issues and care for elderly relatives. The guidance in your personal life will be of the greatest benefit. In the love area, be careful: you may want to return to the past, but it is better to postpone this decision.


You will be able to make the right decisions and get the environment support. It is now important to make plans for the future, to be active and to close important things, although clashes with bureaucracy are possible. You should not make large purchases or start repairs.


A good period for making business decisions and completing complex projects. Take care of the future. In the financial sphere, do not risk: do not make big investments or costs. Your income remains stable.


This week, like the whole future month, will be one of the most important periods in your life. It is important to make the right decisions and be active. Try to understand yourself, identify your goals and steps to achieve them. Financial losses are possible due to hasty decisions, so be careful and do not trust doubtful people on monetary issues.



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