Mykola Tyshchenko's mother sells socks near the subway

The mother of the scandalous People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko, Zhanna, sells lavender bouquets and socks, fights with local juvenile hooligans and did not even know that her son was under house arrest.

Zhanna Tyshchenko is the mother of the odious People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko. The fact that a woman lives out her life in poverty has already been repeatedly reported by the mass media. In her youth, she worked as a photographer in a Soviet household run by her husband. But later, according to journalists, Zhanna Tyshchenko was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Since then, the son has not maintained any contact with her and does not help at all.

"I'm also a photojournalist and paparazzi," a woman in a white T-shirt says to reporters who searched for her near the Minsk metro station.

About herself, the woman says that "Kolina's mother is a businessman, I have been in business for fifty years." What kind of business is this, Kyivans remember - in particular, the times when Zhanna Anatolyivna "crushed" Roma in local markets.

Now she is trying to sell socks and dried bouquets directly from the ground. The medical diagnosis explains her unusual behavior. Zhanna Anatolyivna calls her son a military man and justifies the beating of an ex-Kraken fighter in Dnipro.

Zhanna Tyshchenko interrupts the story about her business with complaints about local teenagers who interfere with work.

"Here, evaluate these bastards that someone sends to insult me," Tyshchenko's mother says.

Next, "Kolina Mama" gets into a frenzy and openly aggressively attacks the imaginary "enemies" of People's Deputy Tyshchenko. For some reason, it's women in her head.

Despite everything, Zhanna Tyshchenko continues to protect her son. Under the scorching sun, in a miserable state, the sick woman nevertheless assures that Mykola allegedly helps her.

"I know that Kolya is always right, always. He is a very smart, experienced person and whatever he does, it's all right," she added.



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