Russia may launch a new offensive in southern Ukraine

The adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko informed about the possibility of a new offensive of Russian troops in the south of Ukraine as early as next week. According to him, there is a significant accumulation of unmarked military forces and equipment in the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions.

The Roziv-Pologiv agglomeration is now saturated through Mariupol. This week we see a slowdown in movements, but at the end of last week, on the contrary, we saw an active phase of all these movements. This means that full-fledged units have already been formed and coordinated on the territory of the Russian Federation. They enter the territory of Rozhivskyi and Pologivskyi districts of Zaporizhzhya region. They keep the front lines away, this is not a rotation, this is precisely the accumulation of certain reserves for future attempts to continue offensive operations. We can also see that the trucks in which all these units are moving have no markings. This means that the Russians do not yet know in which areas of Zaporizhzhia or Donetsk region the next reinforcement, offensive operation will take place

Andryushchenko said. 

He added that tactical marking will be applied to the equipment from the beginning of the offensive operation, when they will understand where they will exert maximum efforts. Also, according to him, preparatory measures have begun in the camps - we are talking about the training grounds around Mariupol and in the Berdyansk region.

"They are in an active phase of preparation. We can say that the Russians, where we observe our area, are in a certain operational pause, which allows them to accumulate, gather certain groups for the attacking fist and figure out where they will push. We think that the next offensive operation is possible from the Russian side next week - not earlier, maybe even later," Andryushchenko added.

We will remind that 20 trucks with Russian troops passed through the occupied Mariupol on the route to the Vremivskyi direction. The absence of tactical markings indicates the preparation of a new offensive operation.



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