New mobilization rules have come into effect

The mobilization of men of limited fitness aged 18 to 25 in Ukraine has been temporarily suspended. The relevant information was confirmed by People's Deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko, referring to the directive of the Ground Forces Command No. 116/2/1/21409 dated September 19, 2024. According to it, the recruitment of persons in this age category is possible only with their written consent.

According to Goncharenko, this directive has already been delivered to regional and district territorial centers of recruitment and social security through operational commands. However, men mobilized under the age of 25 remain in the service, as the directive does not provide for their demobilization.

Mobilization for other age groups

In addition, the new mobilization rules apply to men aged 25 to 49, who continue to be called up as part of the current mobilization campaign. As for men between the ages of 50 and 60, they can be mobilized only under a separate mobilization order of the General Staff. Such an order includes specific information about the person and must be presented during the mobilization process.

Planned changes in the mobilization policy

Earlier, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, reported that by the end of the week, the Ministry of Defense should issue an order that will officially approve the ban on the mobilization of persons of limited fitness under the age of 25, which will ensure the further implementation of the directive.



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