Risking their lives, Ukrainians escape mobilization

An article for The Washington Post examines the difficult situation that has developed in Ukraine at the time of increased tensions due to the conflict with Russia. According to the publication, although the government in Kyiv is preparing to increase the number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), many Ukrainians are actively looking for ways to avoid conscription. They pay thousands of dollars to leave the country illegally.

The Washington Post writes about it.

As the front-line units were severely depleted, the Council passed a mobilization law, according to which all men of draft age must update their personal data via the Internet or at military commissariats by July 16. Now, after the end of this deadline, many expect mass distribution of subpoenas, the publication notes.

Some men seek to avoid conscription by using legal loopholes, such as enrolling in graduate school. So, according to official data, if before the conflict about 8 thousand people expressed a desire to continue higher education, this year - more than 246 thousand, which led to the strengthening of admission rules.

Other Ukrainians use the services of smugglers who constantly raise prices to cross the borders with Hungary, Moldova or Romania. Some of the fugitives even try to swim across the Tisza River, which often ends in their death, the publication notes.

These high costs and risks that some residents of the country are willing to take in order to avoid the draft highlight the growing tension in Ukrainian society. After two and a half years of conflict, the people strongly support the army, but the number of volunteers is decreasing, emphasizes The Washington Post.



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