The SBU conducted a search in the Kyiv monastery

On September 18, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted an inspection in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UPC MP) in Kyiv. According to law enforcement sources, the reason for the searches was the spread of Kremlin propaganda among the monks of the monastery, as well as their support for the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

The Saint-Vvedensky Monastery, located at 42 Knyazum Ostrozkih Street, in the Pechersk district of the capital, was founded at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. The building is a monument of cultural heritage, but at the same time it belongs to the objects associated with the Moscow Patriarchate, which causes increased attention of law enforcement agencies in the context of the current situation.

The Security Service of Ukraine is actively investigating the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, in particular, in connection with the construction of large-scale religious facilities near Kyiv, which are suspected of using them as centers of support for Russian aggression.

The search in the Holy Introduction Monastery was another step in the fight against Russian propaganda and influence in religious institutions connected to the Moscow Patriarchate. The SBU continues its work to identify persons who can spread hostile narratives on the territory of Ukraine.



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