A scandal in the Kolomyia correctional colony, an employee was suspected of torturing convicts

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) announced the suspicion of an employee of the operative department of the Kolomyia Correctional Colony, who is suspected of systematically applying physical and psychological pressure to convicts. According to the SBI, the employee tried to force the two prisoners to cooperate, in particular, regarding the origin of drugs to the colony.

After the men refused to cooperate, the law enforcement officer hit them numerous times on different parts of the body, accompanied by obscenities and threats. The incident is described as torture and humiliation that lasted several hours.

The suspect was charged with torture, for which he faces up to 12 years in prison.

Earlier, on May 29, the SBI investigated other cases of systematic torture by Ukrainian prisoners, in particular in the State Institution "Bozhkov Correctional Colony (No. 16)", where four officials became suspects in such actions.

Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska, commenting on these events, assured that cases of torture in prisons are not common, but recognized the need for a thorough investigation of such incidents.



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