The village of Ocheretine is finally under the control of Russian troops

Yesterday, May 5, militants finally captured the village of Ocheretine in the Avdiiv direction. This information was made public in Telegram by military correspondent Bohdan Myroshnikov.

According to Myroshnikov, the Ukrainian military had to retreat from the area east of the pond, as they were threatened by the surrounding area.

The advance of Russian troops in the direction of the village of Sokil was also recorded. They are trying to seize this position in order to finally secure the left flank of their group, which operates in Ocheretino.

Other sections of the Avdiiv direction, in particular south of Pervomaisky and north of Netailovo, also recorded the advance of Russian troops. This information was confirmed by the Ukrainian information resource DeepState, which updated its interactive maps around one o'clock today.

Avdiiv direction 06.05.24.jpg (61 KB)

"Netailovo is controlled by our soldiers for a third, the enemy controls half. Everything else is a gray area," writes Bohdan Myroshnikov.



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