Support for negotiations with Russia is growing among Ukrainians

A recent survey conducted by the National Democratic Institute and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology showed interesting trends in the opinions of Ukrainians regarding possible negotiations with Russia. According to the results, about half of the respondents support the idea of ​​negotiations with Moscow, but under one important condition: no part of Ukrainian territories should be transferred.

In particular, 57% of respondents were in favor of negotiations if it would contribute to peace, while 38% were against such negotiations. Another 5% could not decide on their position. It is important to note that support for the idea of ​​negotiations increased by 15% compared to November 2023.

However, Ukrainians have clear ideas about the conditions under which negotiations could be acceptable. The majority, namely 66%, believes that a peaceful solution, which includes the return of the territories controlled by Ukraine before 2014 (i.e. Donbas and Crimea), is "fully acceptable". On the other hand, 60% of respondents categorically reject any options that involve maintaining the status quo without returning these territories.

The positions regarding the abandonment of Ukraine's strategic goals are even tougher. 53% of respondents consider rejection of European integration unacceptable, and 49% - rejection of joining NATO. Also, 37% consider the option in which Ukraine will receive only those territories under its control until February 2022, excluding Crimea and part of Donbas, to be unacceptable.

The survey was conducted from May 8 to 25, 2024 by telephone survey among 2,508 respondents. Temporarily occupied territories as of February 23, 2022 (Crimea, Sevastopol, occupied regions of Donbass) were not included in the sample, but respondents from territories occupied after that date were interviewed on the condition of their security. The sampling error does not exceed 2.2%.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasizes that Ukraine is ready for negotiations if this is the desire of the international community, but insists that the decision on territorial concessions should be made solely taking into account the opinion of the Ukrainian people.



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