Serhiy Mykolayovych Tron – Lord of White Mountain (Part 1)

Yesterday he was still a simple Ukrainian boy, and today he is a crypto millionaire who settled in Switzerland.

Serhiy's wife owns a whole chain of hotels, of which we have so far found only 2 in Cyprus and 4 in Kazakhstan.

But these are probably all trifles, since Serhiy is a truly great person, as evidenced by a certain label that unites him with Dmytro Olegovich Rogozin - the biggest swindler and thief of the Russian Federation.

This is reported by the editors of the 360UA NEWS

Serhiy Mykolayovych Tron – Lord of White Mountain (Part 1)

Tron, as well as his Russian colleague in the shop, has injuries, to put it mildly? In the buttock.

Selected label

The events took place as follows : on April 14, 2002, at 3:40 p.m. in Globa Park in the city of Dnipropetrovsk, behind the building of the "Greblya" night club, Shleigel Denys Petrovych, born in 1977, accompanied by Mudrak Serhiy Oleksandrovich, born in 1976, from the AKMS, shot citizen Rodion Semenovych Bihun at close range.

Citizen Bihun died on the spot, but Serhii Mykolayovych Tron, born in 1984, who at that time was playing slot machines in the Igrovy Svit club, located in Globa Park, was wounded by a stray bullet.

It is known from the reports that there was a gunshot wound in the area of ​​the right buttock, damage to the left thigh, rectum and the back wall of the bladder in the area of ​​the direct medulla.

Thus, our hero became honored by God, as well as later the high-ranking Russian swindler Rogozin.

However, their similarities end there (although who knows), and after graduating from the Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University in 2006, an interesting life full of adventures begins for Trony.

Oil tanker

Serhiy Tron started his career in the field of oil refining, fuel wholesale and trucking. In 2006, he headed LLC "ST-Trans" in the city of Kamianske, and in 2009 he founded LLC "Ekooil" (Donetsk) for oil production and production of oil refining products.

Let's assume, of course, that the talented Serhiy Trony managed to head a fuel company at the age of 22 right out of the institute, but there are more questions regarding the "creation" of "Ekooil" LLC.

There is a shadow of a doubt that it was he who founded Ecooil LLC, especially if you look closely at Serhii Tron's business partners in this company.

According to the registers , the founders of the company together with Serhiy Tron were modest residents of the city of Donetsk - criminal authority Nurulislam Arkallaev or "Nurik" and his brother Roman Arkallaev. Moreover, it was Nurulislam who owned a slightly larger part of the firm - 33.4%, while the other two partners had 33.3% each.

There is even such an unpopular opinion that for its participation in state tenders, or rather, for the sums it earned, the company "Ekooil" LLC should be grateful to Nurulislam Arkallaev, since November 2007 - a People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Party of Regions, a close friend of the modest of Donetsk oligarch Rinat Akhmetov.

It is quite possible that the combination of these two factors allowed Serhiy, as a co-founder of Ecooil LLC, to receive contracts with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukrzaliznytsia.

Ecooil started winning state tenders in August 2011. Since then, the company has received contracts from the Ministry of Defense and Ukrzaliznytsia for the supply of fuel for the total amount of UAH 906.25 million.

At the same time, the contracts, which for some reason became extremely golden and not very profitable for buyers, did not cause them rejection, and they were in no hurry to refuse them.

Thus, according to the information of a small investigation, on September 5, 2012, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine concluded an agreement with "Ekooil" LLC on the supply of 5,057.80 tons of fuel for TS-1 jet engines in the amount of UAH 75.87 million, based on the results of the tender. This is reported in the "State Procurement Bulletin".

Jet fuel was purchased at 15,000 hryvnias per ton, while it is known from open sources that there are reports of the sale of aviation kerosene at a price of 10-13,000 hryvnias per ton.

With the fall of the Yanukovych regime, things did not go so well for the company.

In 2014, the Ministry of Defense managed to collect UAH 477,000 in fines from the regional company for undersupply of fuel.

And a little later, the Court of Appeal refused the MP from the Party of Regions 5, 6 and 7 requests to increase the price of the previously concluded contract by 500 million hryvnias, from 1.31 billion to 1.85.

The fact that Nurulislam Arkallaev, a business partner, in 2104 began to actively finance the militants of Donetsk, pouring millions of hryvnias, previously stolen from the Ukrainian army, into the illegal military formations of the banana DPR, adds a special piquancy to this information.

Separately, I would like to note that thanks to the wise policy of the state, until 2014, almost 100% of fuel supplies to Ukraine came from Russia. It went for a very good price, and, as a rule, the proceeds from it settled in Ukraine, in the pockets of the local "fifth column".

Just like that, without the approval of the FSB, there was no PMM trading market. Draw your own conclusions.

The throne is a banker

It should be noted that "conversion" was a rather expensive service in the system of businesses engaged in by OZU, of which Trony was a part. Therefore, in 2014, enterprising dealers decided to solve this problem radically - to buy one of the most famous conversion centers - "Partner Bank".

Probably, it is worth telling this story separately, because it is an example of the fact that, despite the fact that all RAMs work for their "common ground", they have a lot of "business" intersections - they do one thing, rob the state!

By now, no one will remember how Oleksiy Savchenko, .

Savchenko is remembered as a hero of UBOZ, somehow magically connected with the murder of "Prishcha". By an amazing coincidence, immediately after the murder of Pryshka, Savchenko unexpectedly resigned from the capital head of UBOZ and, after several transformations, became the co-owner of Avant-bank, paired with a criminal element that also suddenly became rich after the death of Pryshka, Oleksandr Lishchenko or Licha.

At first, Savchenko became the head of the security department of the Personal Computer bank, and when the bank was renamed Rodovid in 2004, he became the deputy chairman of the board there.

After Rodovid was successfully looted, Oleksiy Savchenko, together with a group of friends, co-founded Asia Universal Bank, Partner Bank, and Avant Bank.

In this list, we are interested in Partner Bank, which has been known as "Conversbank" since 2006. The main function of this bank was simple and banal - it was a "laundromat", "launderette", or "conversion center", one of the best customers was the well-known supermarket "Foxtrot".

The bank, because of its non-public profile, was more dead than alive, but because it didn't make much sense to just throw away this asset, it was decided to sell it.

In 2010, 100% of the bank's shares were bought from Savchenko by Volodymyr Antonov, an ambitious and mischievous Russian billionaire, for $22 million.

Reinis Tumovs brought the Russian oligarch Volodymyr Antonov, a native of Magadan, a swindler who settled in Odesa a long time ago.

After the purchase, Antonov poured 50 million euros into Conversbank.

However, Antonov soon encountered trouble: the Lithuanian authorities accused him of deliberately bankrupting the Snoras bank, which he owned, and stealing 480 million euros. On the advice of his friends, Antonov issued a power of attorney to manage Conversbank to his partner Reinis Tumovs.

Volodymyr Antonov's partners had absolutely no intention of helping him save his assets. By proxy, Stryzhak and Tumovs introduced Vadym Stolar, known for his scams, to the shareholders of the bank and offered Antonov to "return" the bank for 17 million euros. Antonov did not pay, and the bank went to Vadim Stolar, changing its name to "CityCommerceBank".

Later, all the more or less liquid assets of this office were transferred to the newly created "Profin Bank", and they began to appeal to depositors, promising unrealistic interest rates on deposits (more than 20% per annum).

It was this bank that Tron and his partners bought from Stolar.

In 2013, Serhiy Tron became the first vice-president of the corps of vice-presidents of the apparatus under the supervisory board of the public joint-stock company "City Commercial Bank".

Serhiy Tron, Nurulislam Arkallaev and Renis Tumovs, who joined them, initially did not intend to engage in normal banking business.

The "bankers" set themselves the goal of refusing to fill the cash register and, after finding it, make the bank bankrupt.

The 2014 Maidan and the Russian-Ukrainian war that followed prevented the scammers' plans from coming true.

All assets had to be quickly "merged" into false commercial structures, through which funds were instantly converted and disappeared in an unknown direction.

All more or less liquid assets of "City Commercial" and most of its branch network were merged into "Profin Bank" of Tumvos.

"Professional Financing Bank" aka "Profin Bank" was founded more than 20 years ago. In order to buy it, a rather cunning operation was carried out. Through the mediation of the Russian Alfa-Bank, the nominal owner of Profina became the French Societe Generale, and then transferred it to the Cypriot offshore company Zapikeso Limited. As of January 1 of this year, the shares of Profin Bank through the offshore network are owned in equal shares by Reinis Tumovs, his wife Tetiana and the head of the bank's supervisory board Dmytro Fedoseev.

Rainys Tumovs

"CityCommerce Bank" turned out to be one of the most illiquid institutions, which the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGVFO) began to withdraw from the market at that time.

At the time of the introduction of temporary administration to it on November 21, 2014, the institution's assets exceeded UAH 3.9 billion. At the end of 2014, the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGVFO) discovered the embezzlement of assets in the "City Commercial Bank" amounting to UAH 3 billion.

At the same time, the estimated value of assets was only UAH 90 million, and the loan portfolio was UAH 40 million.

Funds from the bank were also withdrawn through foreign structures, for example, the Austrian Meinl Bank.

In a letter to the GPU signed by the temporary administrator Andriy Ryazantsev, it is stated that the day after the introduction of the administration, the correspondent account of the "City Commercial Bank" in Meinl Bank, according to accounting data, contained EUR 59.35 million.

"Taking into account that there was EUR 59.35 million in the Meinl Bank account, as well as the fact that any movements on the account are not reflected in the bank's operating system, we can conclude that the account was manipulated by the management of the "City Commercial Bank" with the correspondent account at Meinl Bank," the statement to the Prosecutor General's Office read.

Naturally, the liquidation of the bank aroused quite understandable interest, as a decent number of people suffered as a result of the bankers' activities - as usual, it turned out that the bank's assets were not enough to satisfy all the claims of defrauded depositors. And the law enforcement officers became interested in the activities of the bank's management, opening criminal proceedings No. 42018101100000355. As part of it, the bank's owners, including Serhiy Tron and Reinis Tumovs, who owned equal shares, were involved in the theft of money.

In 2017, Serhiy Tron's property was seized in criminal proceedings against the officials of PJSC "City Commercial Bank" for the fact of taking over 400 million hryvnias of cash from a number of banking institutions in 2010-2015 based on a prior conspiracy with the owners of the banks. At the then exchange rate, it was 50 million dollars.

As part of the stated legal claims, the property of Serhiy Tron was also seized from the victims: 15 plots of land in the Makariv district of the Kyiv region with a total area of ​​18.7 hectares, one apartment and a Toyota Land Cruiser-200 car.

In 2018, the Deposit Guarantee Fund tried through the court to collect UAH 2.573 billion stolen from the "City Commercial Bank" from Tron, Arkallaev, Tumovs and other participants in the "scheme". But thanks to Serhiy's generosity, the Economic Court of Kyiv refused the Fund for formal reasons.

The departure of Poroshenko in a certain way helped Trony to solve the problem.

In 2019, all of these criminal offenses were assigned to the Solomyan Department of the Metropolitan Police, despite the fact that earlier the court case was investigated by the Security Service of Ukraine, and even earlier by the Main Investigative Department of the National Police.

And on August 21, 2020, the Solomyan District Court of Kyiv, presided over by Hanna Serhienko, canceled the seizure of Trony's property altogether, citing the fact that "the need for the seizure has disappeared, otherwise it will be an unjustified interference by the state in the human right to respect for one's property."

Truly, Trony is a great investor! Having invested part of the stolen money in NatsPol and the Court, he solved all his problems for real pennies!

Finance and other romances

In 2012, Serhiy Tron founded Global Finance Management Group LLC . The status fund of the company amounted to more than 3 billion, namely 3,021,000,000 hryvnias.

The firm was created to buy a bank, and 3 billion of authorized capital exists only on paper.

In 2016, Tron created the company White Rock Management, which according to the plot invests in the IT industry.

In 2017, he became a co-founder, and later the chairman of the supervisory board of the company "UkrTVS", which was supposed to produce nuclear fuel.

In the spring of 2019, he, in collusion with the then head of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, Kostyantyn Vorushilin Tron, "bought out" the Illichiv and Odesa oil and fat plants, as well as the Illichiv grain port for 182.5 million hryvnias. Although the complex was estimated at 4.85 billion hryvnias.

In 2020, Tron created the international investment fund "Parea Foundation", which invests in the IT sphere, logistics and energy in a number of countries, including: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Canada, Sweden, Liechtenstein.

But this is again a shell, a cover. Everything is much more interesting inside.

In this part of our investigation, let's look at one of the failed, but very large and ambitious projects of the Throne.

Nuclear bubble

"UkrTVS" or PJSC "Joint Ukrainian-Kazakhstan-Russian Nuclear Fuel Production Enterprise" was established in 2001 by the State Property Fund of Ukraine, OJSC TVEL (Russia) and CJSC "National Atomic Company Kazatomprom" (Kazakhstan).

The purpose of creation of UkrTVS was the production of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

The enterprise was stillborn, as the Russians did not understand why they should build an enterprise in Ukraine that could compete with their monopoly.

Some activity began when, in 2008-2009, Westinghouse Electric proposed to build a plant for the production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine.

I liked the idea of ​​building the plant, but... in 2010, the right to build the plant was granted to the Russian TVEL.

In 2011, TVEL and FDM created PJSC "Nuclear Fuel Production Plant" and... again went their separate ways.

The Russian plant was not needed, and the Americans were told: "We don't need your services - we have our own plant. Well, as it is - to build."

Everything changed after the Revolution of Dignity, when Russia occupied part of Ukrainian territories and the issue of energy independence became more relevant than ever.

Ukraine closed all its "Potemkin villages" and threw itself into the arms of Westinghouse Electric with redoubled diligence.

In connection with the change in the country's policy, the State Property Fund decided to sell a depreciated asset - its share in "UkrTVS".

For almost 48 million hryvnias, it was bought by "Vice Trade" LLC, a company founded in 2014 by Andrii Kirimov from Horishni Plavni.

Who bought the worthless asset and why, it became clear in the summer of 2018, when members of the board of UkrTVS from Vice Trade took the stage.

They turned out to be Serhiy Tron, who later became the chairman of the board of UkrTVS, Nurulislam Arkallaev and Leonid Kryuchkov.

Leonid Kryuchkov was most likely the wedding general in this company, and behind him was his older brother - former People's Deputy from BYUT Dmytro Kryuchkov.

Who could not go to the board by himself, because he was involved in criminal proceedings of NABU about multimillion-dollar embezzlement in energy networks.

However, Leonid Kryuchkov also managed to work in the arms business with Pshonka Jr. and Andriy Derkach, the main lobbyist for Rosatom and TVEL in Ukraine.

It is very interesting that the Kryuchkov brothers were helped to lobby for Russian interests by the first deputy chairman of the BPP parliamentary faction Ihor Kononenko , a business partner of Petro Poroshenko.

"Vice Trade" LLC began to implement the Kremlin's plans almost immediately, as Gazeta.UA , on May 30, 2018, "Vice Trade" LLC, as the owner of the Ukrainian share in "UkrTVS", turned to the Cabinet of Ministers with a letter certifying the presence of the LLC and its partners the necessary connections and financial resources for the construction of a plant for the production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine.

In connection with this, the company offered to conduct negotiations with it as a potential investor in the implementation of this project.

And Jomart Aliyev, a former top manager from the structure of Rosatom, was announced as the head of the project!

According to the concessionaires' plan, after the construction of the plant, UkrTVS planned to transfer it to JV "Nuclear Fuel Production Plant" and receive a percentage or a fixed amount from each unit of production sold.

Our nuclear combiners wanted a guarantee from the Cabinet of Ministers that all the fuel produced at the Ukrainian plant will be fully purchased by Energoatom NAEC.

It is clear that the famous builders of the Tron, Arkallaev and Kryuchkov factories would not have built any factory in Ukraine. But that was not their goal.

Acting in favor of Russia, with their application, they had to break all agreements with Westinghouse, period. The proposal did not pass

"UkrTVS" turned out to have huge debts, and "Energoatom" started bankruptcy proceedings to liquidate the company, but...

In 2019, the government in Ukraine changed, and after the interesting meeting of Sam Kislin in New York with Zelensky, who does not understand anything, the situation began to change.

In general, it should be understood that Kislin is a swindler of the highest level.

In 2014, Kislin bought the Cypriot company Opalcore Ltd for $8 million at a discount. Bonds worth $20 million were placed on her accounts in Ukrainian banks, they were under arrest. Along with interest, about $23 million dollars accrued.

Apparently, it was Sam Kislin who went to save them in Ukraine in August 2019.

There are only doubts.

In Kyiv, in the frame behind the "corruption fighter", the victory over which promised him considerable profits, you can see Dmytro Kryuchkov (in a white shirt) - a figure in the criminal case about the appropriation of ZaporizhzhiaOblenergo and causing damage to Ukraine in the amount of 346 million hryvnias, opened by NABU .

Sam Kislin and Dmytro Kryuchkov

As it became known later, Kryuchkov and Kyslin had a meeting , after which Sam decided to pose in front of journalists

It should be noted that Dmytro Kryuchkov is a really talented swindler. A few months before that, he was extradited from Germany to Ukraine, where he stated during the investigation that he was following the instructions of Poroshenko's entourage, and he himself was not guilty of anything.

By a strange coincidence, in 2020 the beneficiaries of "UkrTVS" managed to get the bankruptcy procedure canceled, and they again spoke about energy independence, promoting the project of licensed production of nuclear fuel from Russian components.

It is obvious that Tron and company knew about the Russian attack that was being prepared.

On 22.02.2022, the founder of "Vice Trade" LLC changed. He became the eternal Pound - Denys Volobuev, at that time the director of "Ekooil" LLC and other dead OZU projects.

It is interesting that the situation with "Conversebank" is being repeated somewhere. If earlier the Ukrainian shareholders of UkrTVS claimed that they would buy their share from the Russians, then after February 24, 2022, this proposal lost its relevance. The assets of the aggressor country in Ukraine have been seized. But, remembering Trony's ingenuity, tomorrow they may turn out to be the property of one of the Ukrainian shareholders. They just forgot to announce it earlier.

The story of "businessman" Trony does not end there, it will be continued in the next part of our investigation.



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