In the context of martial law in Ukraine, all military men aged 18 to 60 must comply with military accounting rules. However, failure to appear to the territorial assembly center (TCC) or the refusal to pass the Military Medical Commission (VLK) may be fined. A lawyer of the lawyer explained how such penalties can be challenged.
Is it possible to cancel a fine for not appearing in the military enlistment office?
According to the lawyer, it is first necessary to check whether all legal procedures have been observed during the delivery of the summons and the fine. Often, the CCC and JV are provided violations that may be the basis for the cancellation of the fine. For example, if a person does not reside at the specified address and physically received the summons or was not properly notified.
The legislation provides only three valid reasons for the failure to appear to the shopping center:
- Disease - is confirmed by medical certificates.
- The death of a close relative - is confirmed by the relevant documents.
- Force majeure, such as air anxiety or fighting that made it impossible to arrive.
If a person has a valid reason, you should notify in writing the CCC until the scheduled turnout.
What documents are needed to appeal a fine?
Upon receipt of the decision on imposing a fine, the citizen has 10 days to file a complaint in court. During this period, the validity of the CCC and JVs should be verified in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses.
The fine is required to appeal:
- a copy of the resolution on the imposition of a fine;
- evidence of violations in the procedure of delivery of the summons or drafting of the protocol;
- documents confirming the valid cause of failure (medical certificates, certificates of death of loved ones, documents on air alarm, etc.);
- A written statement to the court or a complaint to a higher body.
The lawyer advises you to first contact a lawyer who will help obtain a copy of the decision, evaluate the validity of its issuance and file a complaint in court.
If the fine is not appealed on time, it can be transferred to the executive service. This threatens the arrest of bank accounts and compulsory recovery of funds. In order to avoid this, you need to get a copy of the decision in a timely manner and go to court.
Is it possible to challenge a fine without a lawyer?
The law allows a citizen to file a complaint on his own. This can be done in two ways:
- Through the court, paying the court fee (UAH 1211.20 in 2025).
- Through the higher body - for example, contacting the regional shopping center.
However, practice shows that self -appeal due to the CCC rarely produces a positive result, while the trial with the right legal support is more likely to success.