The Prosecutor General's office reported the suspicion of the organizer of the criminal "stairs" and two "thieves in the law" that coordinated the spread of criminal influence in Ukraine. According to the investigation, the suspects discussed the methods of control over correctional institutions of Kyiv and Kyiv region, as well as the issue of distribution of "general" and resolving conflicts in the criminal environment.
Who organized a “staircase”
Among the suspects are the "thieves in the law" with the nicknames "Bondo" and "Aziz", as well as their controlled "wandering", which is currently serving a sentence in the Kyiv detention center. Investigators found that the initiator of the criminal assembly was the dependent of the capital pre -trial detention center, who is the leader of the transnational group. It was he who initiated the "staff" by phone, involving representatives of the higher criminal hierarchy.
Both "authorities" who participated in the meeting are now outside Ukraine - one in Russia, the other in Kazakhstan.
What was said on the “staff”
The collection of criminal elements took place in order to coordinate criminal influence in the territory of correctional institutions. Among the main topics that have risen:
- control over the institutions of execution of punishments of Kyiv and the region;
- mechanisms for resolving conflicts between convicts and persons;
- filling of "general" and distribution of illegal income.
Investigators say that the meeting of the meeting was behind the lattice several years ago after the murder that occurred during the conflict at the metropolitan entertainment. Before that, he appeared in criminal proceedings for the abduction of people, extortion and murder. Even in the pre -trial detention center, the offender continued to control the grouping and strengthen his position.