On Thursday, January 2, forecasters predict a change in weather conditions in the capital and several regions of Ukraine. The head office of the State Emergency Service (ESES) warns of strong winds that may pose a danger to the population.
"Stay away from billboards, power lines, trees and building structures that may collapse," rescuers advise Ukrainians.
According to forecasters, January 2 will be even warmer in Ukraine than January 1.
During the day, the maximum air temperature will be +7...+12 degrees in most regions, and up to +14 in the Crimea. Precipitation is not common in Ukraine today, but already on January 3 and 4, the weather will start to cool down in Ukraine.
We will remind, after a warm beginning of January, a sharp cooling is expected in Ukraine due to the arrival of air masses from the northwest. The greatest decrease in temperature will be observed in the western regions, where the temperature will drop by 9–12 °C, while the cooling will be more gradual in the south and east.
On average, temperatures in Ukraine for a month will be close to normal, and in the Left Bank part even higher by 0.5–1.5 °C. In the western and some southern regions, January will be cooler than normal by 0.7–1.6 °С. During the month, periods of moderate frosts up to -15...-20 °С are possible, especially in the Carpathian region and northern regions, with the exception of southern regions and Crimea.
As for precipitation, its amount will exceed the norm by 10–40%, except for the Left Bank part, where precipitation will be within the normal range. High cyclonic activity in the first and third decades will cause rain, drizzle, and later snow and sleet with the formation of a snow cover. At the beginning of the month, strong gusts of wind are possible, especially in the western, northern and eastern regions.