The son of an official of the TCC in Vinnytsia offered a package of documents to evaders for $20,000

The son of the head of one of the branches of the Vinnytsia United City Territorial Center for Social Protection of the Population was detained by the State Bureau of Investigation on suspicion of corruption. He provided services for processing documents for going abroad for a fee of 20,000 US dollars, promising to avoid mobilization in Ukraine.

According to the SBI, the official's son also offered similar services to other people. During the searches, empty summonses, more than a dozen copies of conscription passports and cash in various currencies were seized from him.

On June 14, the official's son was detained while handing over $15,000. Before that, he had already received 5 thousand dollars from one of the "clients". Searches were conducted at the place of residence and work of the suspect and his father.

It is known that the official's son has been charged with receiving illegal benefits and extortion (part 3 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code).



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