Today, February 9, cold but mostly sunny weather will be dominated throughout Ukraine. The lowest temperatures are predicted in the east of the country, while the warmest will be in the West.
The west of the country today will prevail clear and cloudless weather, which will create a feeling of spring, although it will not affect thermometers. The air temperature here will be from -1 ° to +2 °, and in Transcarpathia -up to +6 °, albeit with gloom.
In the northern regions of Ukraine today is predicted small cloudiness. The daytime temperature will be from 0 ° to -2 °.
The lowest temperatures are expected in the east of the country today. The weather will be cloudy there with clearings, and the columns of thermometers will be shown from -2 ° to -4 °. Rainfall is not predicted.
The central part of Ukraine will meet today a little cloudy. The daytime temperature will fluctuate within -2 ° ...+1 °.
In the south, clear weather is expected. The temperature here will reach -1 ° ...+2 °, only in the Crimean mountains are possible to -3 °.
Today will give Ukrainians a lot of sun, but it is not necessary to wait for considerable warming. The clear weather in the western and southern regions will soften the winter cold, while the east and north of the country will remain under the influence of low temperatures. Despite the frost, the lack of precipitation will allow you to enjoy the pleasant winter weather.