The famous Ukrainian singer Kamalia once again shared candid details of her life after her divorce from Pakistani billionaire Mohammad Zahoor. The star told why she hides from her daughters - 11-year-old Arabella and Mirabella - the fact of breaking up with their father.
As Kamaliya admitted in an interview for the "Brief About" project, the girls still believe that their parents are together. Despite the fact that the divorce happened more than two years ago, the ex-spouses continue to maintain a close relationship and even spend time together so that the children do not experience changes in family life.
"Zachur and I are doing everything possible so that our daughters do not notice that we are no longer a couple. For them, this is just a PR move, a part of show business, which they already know about thanks to studying at an acting school," the singer said.
Kamalia also said that Arabella and Mirabella know about her conflicts with Zahur's daughter from her first marriage, Tatyana. According to the actress, these disputes were the main reason for the divorce.
However, despite all the difficulties, the family maintains friendly relations. Kamalia regularly visits her daughters in Great Britain, where they live with their father, and often takes part in joint family trips.
The singer emphasized that even in the future she does not plan to completely sever ties with Zakhur. In her opinion, 20 years of marriage left a strong mark on their relationship.
"Our relationship is more than just a marriage. We are native people and will always support each other, regardless of the circumstances. For us, the stamp in the passport is just a formality," Kamaliya explained.
Despite all the difficulties in life, the performer and her ex-husband put the well-being of their daughters first. Their joint efforts are aimed at creating a harmonious environment where children feel the love and support of both parents.