The High Qualifications Commission of Judges (CCCS) has not made a decision on the dismissal of Vladimir Lugansky , who illegally received surcharges for a fake degree.
About it reports the Center for Combating Corruption.
Back in August 2024, the Corruption Center (CPC) found that Lugansk had a fake degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" and received a salary allowance for a total amount of more than 160 thousand hryvnias. In September 2024, the CPC appealed to the SCCS, the High Council of Justice (GRP) and the National Anti -Corruption Bureau (NABU) to investigate the case and take appropriate measures.
In response, the SCCS entrusted the consideration of this issue by the commission member Ruslan Melnik, who created a working group of three representatives of the SCCS and three representatives of the public. However, in four months, this group could not formally confirm the fact of receiving illegal surcharges, despite the existence of all the necessary evidence.
Currently, Vladimir Lugansky continues to work in the SCCS, in particular, participates in interviews of candidates in a judge, evaluates their integrity and academic integrity. At the same time, only since the exposure of his frauds did he receive more than UAH 2 million of wages.
The situation around Lugansk raises serious questions about the work of the CCCS and the effectiveness of the mechanisms of control over the integrity of judges, since the institution that should clean the judicial system is in fact ignored by the obvious corruption scandal in its own ranks.