The judge is accused of faking documents to travel abroad during the war

The Office of the Prosecutor General has sent an indictment against a judge of the Brovarsky City Court of Kyiv region and his accomplice - a lawyer. They forged documents to leave Ukraine illegally during martial law.

How did the judge leave the country?

The investigation found that in March 2023 the judge, while on annual leave, decided to go on vacation abroad. However, the departure of judges is possible only on a business trip. To get around this ban, he turned to a familiar lawyer.

Together, they developed a scheme: forged an invitation to an international event, which became the basis for the fake business trip order. The judge used these documents to cross the border and went to the Caribbean Cruise.

What threatens the accused?

In addition to the illegal crossing of the border, the judges also paid a salary during his "business trip" - about 60 thousand hryvnias. He is now threatened with responsibility for forgery, fraud and their use (Article 358, Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The lawyer is accused of steering into forgery of documents, fraud and assisting the illegal crossing of a person across the state border. Now the fate of both will decide the court.



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