Sumy OVA: Pollution of the Seim River is a planned action of the enemy

In the Sumy region, unprecedented pollution of the Seim River was recorded, which caused serious concern among local residents and ecologists. The Service of the Regional Military Administration (OVA) stated that this may be a planned act of environmental aggression on the part of Russia.

Specialists monitor the content and condition of water in the Seim River every day, and in communities, using special equipment, carry out cleaning activities near bridges and pontoon crossings. Discharges of such a scale have not been recorded in the Sejm throughout history, so we can conclude that this is a planned action by the enemy to destroy the river.

As noted in OVA, in September specialists recorded a new wave of pollution of the Seim River, as a result of which the water began to darken, and a sharp sulfurous smell appeared near the reservoir

Specialists monitor the content and condition of water every day, in communities using special equipment they carry out cleaning activities near bridges and pontoon crossings.

"Discounts of such a scale have not been recorded in the Diet throughout history. We can conclude that this is a planned action of the enemy to destroy the river. By taking such actions, Russia is also using environmental weapons. Today, everyone should be involved in eliminating the consequences. I ask all communities to join this process: with technology, to involve people. In this matter, we are already working at the level of the ministry, we are working with scientific institutions, so our joint task is to save the river and prevent an even bigger disaster," said the head of the OVA, Volodymyr Artyukh.

The discharge of sewage from a sugar factory in the city of Tyotkino, Russian Federation, caused the pollution of the Seim River with organic substances, which led to a mass death of fish.



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