February 6th: Reverend Day and folk traditions

On February 6 in Ukraine, Orthodox believers remember the Reverend Vulk, Bishop of Smirnsky, who was the student of St. John the Theologian, according to the new church calendar. This holiday is full of church and folk traditions, signs and prohibitions.

Reverend Vucol: The patron saint of health and family happiness

The Holy Vulk was the first bishop of the Smirno Church (modern Izmir, Turkey). According to legend, he was ordained by the apostles John the Theologian or Paul. He was considered a wise mentor who converted many Gentiles to Christianity. On the site of his burial, a myrtle tree that healed the patients was grown, and to which they came with the help of believers.

Traditions and signs on February 6

In the people this day is called the calf , because it was believed that it protects calves from disease, and also brings success in the economy. Since ancient times, this day smashed the barns with thyme to protect the cattle from disease, and tried to feed the cows well.

Folk signs:

  • Fog means change of weather.
  • The blizzard heralds early spring.
  • The birds fly low - there will be cold.
  • Snow promises cold summer.
  • Frosty day - until the warm March.

What can and cannot be done

What is allowed:

  • To pray St. Vukola for health, family happiness and protection against ailments.
  • Clean, repair things, tidy up in the house.
  • To put up with neighbors or loved ones if there have been quarrels.

What is forbidden:

  • Quarrel, gossip, lie or insult people.
  • Giving in debt or giving things from home - they say, it can bring misfortune.
  • Making important decisions or making transactions is a great risk of getting into trouble.

Birthday on February 6

Angel Day is celebrated today:

  • In the new style: Alexander, Varsonophy, Vasyl, Vulku, Ivan, Maria, Maxim, Marfa.
  • Old style: Xenia, Gerasim, Timothy, Nicholas, Paul.

The holiday of the nurture reminds us of the importance of spiritual healing, harmony in relationships and responsibility for their actions. Regardless of traditions or calendar, this day can be used for reconciliation, prayers and good deeds.



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