Nikifora and Pancratia holiday: traditions, signs and bans of the day

On February 9, Orthodox believers celebrate several important church events. The new church calendar in Ukraine is mentioned by the martyr of Nikifor of Antioch and Reverend Pancratius, a retardant of Kiev-Pechersk. This day is also the first preparatory Sunday for Lent - Sunday about the Public and Pharisee.

Ecclesiastical events on February 9 in the new style

  1. Martyr Nikifor Antioch
    is known for his example of self -sacrifice, and St. Nikifor lived in the III century in Antioch. He sacrificed his life for the sake of a friend who renounced Christianity during persecution. His act became a symbol of forgiveness, humility and sincere faith.
  2. The Reverend Pancrat of the Kiev-Pechersk
    St. Pancrati became famous for his gift of healing through prayers, fasting and anointing. His relics are stored in the distant caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Today, believers pray for the saint for health and healing.
  3. Sunday about the publican and Pharisee,
    this Sunday marks the beginning of four preparatory weeks before Lent. The temples read the parable of two men: the Pharisee, who boasted his virtues, and the publican who sincerely repented. The parable emphasizes the importance of humility and sincerity in faith.

Signs on February 9

  • Warm weather - until the next cold.
  • Red sunset - wait for snowfall.
  • If frosty, there will be no snow in the near future.
  • Noise in the forest - before warming.
  • Snow sticking on trees is a sign of fast heat.

People believed that from this day winter begins to weaken, and spring gradually comes into its rights.

That can not be done on February 9

In church holidays should not be:

  • Lie, swear, insult others or refuse help.
  • To start new important things - folk signs warn of failure.
  • To be lazy is considered a sin.

What can be done

  • Do household chores, clean, wash.
  • To ask for forgiveness and forgive the abusers.
  • Pray Saint Nikifor and Pancratia about health, reconciliation and wisdom.
  • To start treatment - this day it promises to be successful.

Birthday on February 9

Angel Day is celebrated by the owners of the following names:

  • New style: Vasily, Gennady, Ivan, Innocent, Nikifor, Pankratius, Peter.
  • Old style: Peter, Ivan, Dmitry.

February 9 is a day that calls for humility, sincerity in faith, forgiveness and preparation for Lent. Adherence to the traditions of this date can bring peace of mind and well -being in the home.



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